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Showing posts from March, 2024

Sgdclassifier Giving Different Accuracy Each Time For Text Classification

I'm using the SVM Classifier for classifying text as good text and gibberish. I'm using pyt… Read more Sgdclassifier Giving Different Accuracy Each Time For Text Classification

How To Run Odoo Orm Methods In The Python Console?

I would like to use ORM methods such as browse or search in the python console. $pwd /opt/odoo/ $… Read more How To Run Odoo Orm Methods In The Python Console?

Convert Each Element Of Pandas Dataframe Into Dict

I am trying to add feature index to each element of pandas dataframe such that each element will be… Read more Convert Each Element Of Pandas Dataframe Into Dict

Filter Object Has No Attribute Pop

colorramps = re.split('#ramp\[([0-9a-fA-F]{6})\](.+?)#rampend\[([0-9a-fA-F]{6})\]', message… Read more Filter Object Has No Attribute Pop

Cannot Access Python Server Running As Windows Service

I have written a Python TCP/IP server for internal use, using win32serviceutil/py2exe to create a W… Read more Cannot Access Python Server Running As Windows Service

Using Packages By Providing Sys Path

I came across this link: (Python) Use a library locally instead of installing it And followed the s… Read more Using Packages By Providing Sys Path

Multiprocessing Initialising A Function In A Class

I am trying to initialise a function in a class using multiprocessing, by calling it from a functio… Read more Multiprocessing Initialising A Function In A Class

How Pytorch Nn.module Save Submodule

I have some question about how pytorch nn.module works import torch import torch.nn as nn class … Read more How Pytorch Nn.module Save Submodule

Insert A Column To A Pandas Dataframe

Scenario: I have a code that reads data from excel worksheets into dataframes, merges into one data… Read more Insert A Column To A Pandas Dataframe

App Engine Socket Invalid Argument

I am using PyAPNS to connect to APNs from Python. When running as a stand alone script, all is work… Read more App Engine Socket Invalid Argument

Does Bottle Handle Requests With No Concurrency?

At first, I think Bottle will handle requests concurrently, so I wrote test code bellow: import jso… Read more Does Bottle Handle Requests With No Concurrency?

I Am Unable To Interact Wih Subprocess Created By Popen

I am using python 2.5 in windows xp. In this i am using subprocess to run my shell, now how should … Read more I Am Unable To Interact Wih Subprocess Created By Popen

Generating Recurring Dates Using Python?

How can I generate recurring dates using Python? For example I want to generate recurring date for … Read more Generating Recurring Dates Using Python?

Bitwise Or Reduction Of Python Lists

I have two lists of zeros and ones. Both lists are of same length. The following is just an example… Read more Bitwise Or Reduction Of Python Lists

How Can I Search The Outlook (2010) Global Address List For A Name?

I have a list of names, some of them complete, some truncated. I would like to search the Outlook a… Read more How Can I Search The Outlook (2010) Global Address List For A Name?

Python 3 Symlinked To Python 2 - How To Undo

Running brew doctor gave me the error recently that python 3 is symlinked to python. And when I ty… Read more Python 3 Symlinked To Python 2 - How To Undo

Float Is Ok, Int Gives Wrong Output Python 2.7

Possible Duplicate: Why doesn’t this division work in python? I have this and works fine def roi(… Read more Float Is Ok, Int Gives Wrong Output Python 2.7

Pythons's Attributeerror: 'nonetype' Object Has No Attribute 'errors'

I know it's been here a lot of times but I didn't find the right answer for my case. First:… Read more Pythons's Attributeerror: 'nonetype' Object Has No Attribute 'errors'

Verify Email Address Using Outlook Global Address List In Python

I am trying to verify if internal email address is valid based upon Outlook Global Address List and… Read more Verify Email Address Using Outlook Global Address List In Python

How To Generate A Usable Tensor Product Of Two Matrices In Python

This thread successfully answers how to use numpy to calculate the tensor product of two matrices i… Read more How To Generate A Usable Tensor Product Of Two Matrices In Python

Can The Main Loop Of A Program Be Moved Out Of Gui?

I'm using python 3 / tkinter if that matters. In looking at code samples I noticed that the mai… Read more Can The Main Loop Of A Program Be Moved Out Of Gui?

Openpyxl - Checking If Cell Has Fill

I am trying to check if a cell is highlighted in yellow. All the posts I've come across is to … Read more Openpyxl - Checking If Cell Has Fill

Python - Should I Put My Helper Functions Inside Or Outside The Class?

In Python, if some methods of a class need a helper function, but the helper function itself doesn&… Read more Python - Should I Put My Helper Functions Inside Or Outside The Class?

Selenium Using Python In Mac-i Am Getting Following Error

I have set the path in .bashrc as: PATH='/Users/ddd/Downloads/geckodriver:$PATH' export PAT… Read more Selenium Using Python In Mac-i Am Getting Following Error

Numpy Array Show Only Unique Rows

I want to have the rows of an array, which are unique. Contrary to numpy's unique function, I w… Read more Numpy Array Show Only Unique Rows

Why Python Googletrans Suddenly Not Working?

Here is the code: # coding: utf-8 from googletrans import Translator translator = Translator() prin… Read more Why Python Googletrans Suddenly Not Working?

Load Tensorflow Savedmodel In Rstudio Trained In Google Cloud Ml

I trained a model in Google Cloud ML and saved it as a saved model format. I've attached the di… Read more Load Tensorflow Savedmodel In Rstudio Trained In Google Cloud Ml

Trying To Understand .apply() In Pandas

I'm trying to avoid looping through dataframes so started using .apply() recently. However I do… Read more Trying To Understand .apply() In Pandas

Store Different Datatypes In One Numpy Array?

I have two different arrays, one with strings and another with ints. I want to concatenate them, in… Read more Store Different Datatypes In One Numpy Array?

How Can I Select A Specific Column From Each Row In A Pandas Dataframe?

I have a DataFrame in this format: a b c 0 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 2 7 8 9 3 10 … Read more How Can I Select A Specific Column From Each Row In A Pandas Dataframe?

What Python 3 Version For My Django Project

I will try to port my Python 2.7 with Django to Python 3. But now my question is what version is th… Read more What Python 3 Version For My Django Project

Changing Colors For Decision Tree Plot Created Using Export Graphviz

I am using scikit's regression tree function and graphviz to generate the wonderful, easy to in… Read more Changing Colors For Decision Tree Plot Created Using Export Graphviz

Pandas: How To Sum Columns On Data Frame Based On Value Of Another Data Frame

I am new to Pandas and I am trying to do the following thing:: I have a dataframe called comms wit… Read more Pandas: How To Sum Columns On Data Frame Based On Value Of Another Data Frame

Decorators Versus Inheritance

How do you decide between using decorators and inheritance when both are possible? E.g., this probl… Read more Decorators Versus Inheritance

200kb File To Search For 8! (40320 Permutations) In Python Or Ida

I am working on disassembling a firmware (Siemens C165 processor -… Read more 200kb File To Search For 8! (40320 Permutations) In Python Or Ida

How Can I Configure Geany To Compile And Run My Python Programs?

Under the Build menu, I can see 'Execute' option, but it is greyed out. The only option ava… Read more How Can I Configure Geany To Compile And Run My Python Programs?

Use The Requirejs Module Without Importing It With Node

I want to run a python file from javascript, and have determined the easiest way to do it is to use… Read more Use The Requirejs Module Without Importing It With Node

Run External Python Programs With Eclipse Pydev

I want to use the refactoring enabled by PyDev but think it is a little ridiculous to create a proj… Read more Run External Python Programs With Eclipse Pydev

Mainwindow Widget Resize (pyside)

I have a problem with the resize of the MainWindow of a GUI Application. This is what i see when i … Read more Mainwindow Widget Resize (pyside)

Remove Specific Columns In Dataframe With Same Id On Date Condition

I have two datasets: One contains house energy certificates issued the last 10 years with an ID fo… Read more Remove Specific Columns In Dataframe With Same Id On Date Condition

Python Dict.fromkeys Return Same Id Element

When i do this on python i update all keys in one time. >>> base = {} >>> keys = … Read more Python Dict.fromkeys Return Same Id Element

Python3 Multipartmime Email (text, Email, And Attachment)

I'm creating some emails in Python and I'd like to have HTML, text, and an attachment. My c… Read more Python3 Multipartmime Email (text, Email, And Attachment)

How Can I Update Pip In Pycharm When I Have Two Versions Of Python?

I have installed Python 2.7 and Python 3.5 on Windows 10. I use python 2.7 in my current PyCharm pr… Read more How Can I Update Pip In Pycharm When I Have Two Versions Of Python?

Python Pandas, A Function Will Be Applied To The Combinations Of The Elements In One Row Based On A Condition On The Other Row

It seems like there are similar questions, but I couldn't find a proper answer. Let's say t… Read more Python Pandas, A Function Will Be Applied To The Combinations Of The Elements In One Row Based On A Condition On The Other Row

How To Draw A Triangle Using Matplotlib.pyplot Based On 3 Dots (x,y) In 2d?

I would like to draw a triangle using python3 module matplotlib. import numpy as np import matplot… Read more How To Draw A Triangle Using Matplotlib.pyplot Based On 3 Dots (x,y) In 2d?

Documenting Files With "from X Import *"

Can sphinx's .. automodule:: and other automatic features be used to document modules that incl… Read more Documenting Files With "from X Import *"

Python Function Calls The Wrong Method/target

The following program simulates a traffic light system with some buttons. The buttons appear correc… Read more Python Function Calls The Wrong Method/target

Why Do I Get An Invalid Rgba Argument Valueerror When Defining "capsize" To My Error Bars?

I am trying to plot horizontal bar plots with their corresponding error bars, however, when I defin… Read more Why Do I Get An Invalid Rgba Argument Valueerror When Defining "capsize" To My Error Bars?

Insert Pandas Timestamp Into Mongodb

I'm trying to insert a Pandas DataFrame into Mongodb using PyMongo. df.head() Because the in… Read more Insert Pandas Timestamp Into Mongodb

How To Read Cookies Not Set By Flask

I have a Flask site that runs inside an iframe of a wordpress site. Both sites are on the same dom… Read more How To Read Cookies Not Set By Flask

Upload A File With A File.write Interface

I've never seen this in Python and I'm interested if there is anything out there that will … Read more Upload A File With A File.write Interface

Django User With Email As Pk - Hack Possible?

I read a lot about the topic, but didn't find anything that sounded as satisfactory as an idea … Read more Django User With Email As Pk - Hack Possible?

Dataframe Divide Series On Pandas

I need to divide each column of the matrix df1 into a single column of the matrix df2. To get a mat… Read more Dataframe Divide Series On Pandas

?: (urls.w005) Url Namespace 'main' Isn't Unique. You May Not Be Able To Reverse All Urls In This Namespace

I'm getting this error when running python runserver ?: (urls.W005) URL namespace &#… Read more ?: (urls.w005) Url Namespace 'main' Isn't Unique. You May Not Be Able To Reverse All Urls In This Namespace

How To Copy A Folder (divide Into Sub Folders) Using Python?

i try to copy a directory (divided into folders and subfolders) to a new folder that will be create… Read more How To Copy A Folder (divide Into Sub Folders) Using Python?

Python Regular Expression To Split Paragraphs

How would one write a regular expression to use in python to split paragraphs? A paragraph is defin… Read more Python Regular Expression To Split Paragraphs

Python Tuple Comparison Odd Behavior

Can someone please explain this behavior? In[11]: (1, 2) in [(True, 2)] Out[11]: True In[12]: (1, … Read more Python Tuple Comparison Odd Behavior

Python Read File From A Web Url

I am currently trying to read a txt file from a website. My script so far is: webFile = urllib.urlo… Read more Python Read File From A Web Url

Python Pandas: How To Merge Based On An "or" Condition?

Let's say I have two dataframes, and the column names for both are: table 1 columns: [ShipNumbe… Read more Python Pandas: How To Merge Based On An "or" Condition?

Create New Folders Within Multiple Existing Folders With Python

I am looking for a way to create new folders within multiple existing folders. For example I have f… Read more Create New Folders Within Multiple Existing Folders With Python

How To Filter A Pandas Dataframe By Timestamp Functon Using .query()

I am trying to filter a Pandas df by dates (today and yesterday). For automation purposes I wish to… Read more How To Filter A Pandas Dataframe By Timestamp Functon Using .query()

Matplotlib Errorbar Plot - Using A Custom Colormap

I'm trying to make an errorbar plot with different colors for each point along the x axis. The … Read more Matplotlib Errorbar Plot - Using A Custom Colormap

Why Python Doesn't See The Members Of Quantumcircuit Class Qiskit

I`m trying to learn the programming on quantum computers. I have installed qiskit in VS Code (all q… Read more Why Python Doesn't See The Members Of Quantumcircuit Class Qiskit

Python Is Slow When Iterating Over A Large List

I am currently selecting a large list of rows from a database using pyodbc. The result is then cop… Read more Python Is Slow When Iterating Over A Large List

Azure Ad Authentication Python Web Api

I'm trying to get the user authenticated using OAuth2 and access resources. However, I'm ha… Read more Azure Ad Authentication Python Web Api

Sorting A List By Function Leads To Wrong Result

When passing a list as an argument in function, why is the following list not changed? def foo(*x):… Read more Sorting A List By Function Leads To Wrong Result

How Can I Use Scipy Optimization To Find The Minimum Chi-squared For 3 Parameters And A List Of Data Points?

I have a histogram of sorted random numbers and a Gaussian overlay. The histogram represents observ… Read more How Can I Use Scipy Optimization To Find The Minimum Chi-squared For 3 Parameters And A List Of Data Points?

How To Create A Function For Recursively Generating Iterating Functions

I currently have a bit of Python code that looks like this: for set_k in data: for tup_j in set… Read more How To Create A Function For Recursively Generating Iterating Functions

Adding A Custom Domain In Pythonanywhere Does Not Work

I added my application to pythonanywhere, now I'm trying to add a custom domain but I can not g… Read more Adding A Custom Domain In Pythonanywhere Does Not Work

Scrapy Crawl Spider Only Scrape Certain Number Of Layers

Hi I want to crawl all the pages of a web using Scrapy CrawlSpider class (Documentation here). cla… Read more Scrapy Crawl Spider Only Scrape Certain Number Of Layers

Select Rows Between Two Datetimeindex Dates

I have a CSV file of the following format: vm,time,LoadInt1 abc-webapp-02,2017-05-31 10:00:00,3.133… Read more Select Rows Between Two Datetimeindex Dates

If Statement With Or Not Working As Expected

My program first asks the user what is wrong with their mobile phone and when the user writes their… Read more If Statement With Or Not Working As Expected