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Run External Python Programs With Eclipse Pydev

I want to use the refactoring enabled by PyDev but think it is a little ridiculous to create a project folder in my Eclipse workspace for every single little python script I create

Solution 1:

The latest PyDev already has improved things a bit... the workflow for the use-case of dealing with external files is the following (checking on PyDev 2.2.2 and Eclipse 3.7):

  1. Drag file from filesystem to Eclipse (should open the file to edit it).

  2. Press F9 with the editor open to run the file... It'll still ask you for a project to resolve the PYTHONPATH and interpreter to be used (you can probably just use any project you have that has the interpreter you want to use for the run or create a PyDev project as 'external_projects' and bind those runs to it).

Note that you need to have PyDev already properly configured (steps available at: ) and if you followed the step to mark the rerun the last launch as the default -- -- pressing Ctrl+F11 will rerun that last launch again (and you no longer need to have that editor as the active one).

You may later on change that run configuration in the menu: Run > Run configurations.

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