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Documenting Files With "from X Import *"

Can sphinx's .. automodule:: and other automatic features be used to document modules that include from x import * statements without including all of the documentation from import

Solution 1:

Yes, that should work. From the documentation:

In an automodule directive with the members option set, only module members whose __module__ attribute is equal to the module name as given to automodule will be documented. This is to prevent documentation of imported classes or functions.


The problem seems to be that the __module__ attribute of many pylab members is None (the members defined in the C/Cython module mtrand, as far as I can tell).

The mtrand module is part of NumPy. Behind the scenes, pylab.beta (and several other functions) is a method of the class numpy.random.mtrand.RandomState. I can reproduce the documentation issue as follows:

With this source (

from pylab import beta

    """mzjn docstring"""return x

and this source documentation (pylabtest.rst)

Pylab test

.. automodule:: pylabtest

the Sphinx output in pylabtest.html includes both beta and mzjn.

But if

beta.__module__ = "pylab"

is added to, only mzjn is documented.

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