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Dataframe Divide Series On Pandas

I need to divide each column of the matrix df1 into a single column of the matrix df2. To get a matrix with dimension df1 (3*2). I need a result: dataframe[[1/6, 2/7, 3/8], [3/6, 4

Solution 1:

Here's one way:

pd.DataFrame(df1.values/ df2.values.T, columns=df1.columns)


Solution 2:

You can divide by Series converted to array by Series.values or Series.to_numpy for pandas 0.24+:

df = df1.div(df2['i'].values)
#pandas 0.24+#df = df1.div(df2['i'].to_numpy())print (df)
          i        ii    iii
a  0.166667  0.285714  0.375
b  0.500000  0.571429  0.625

Solution 3:

with Series :

s = pd.Series(df2.values.flatten().tolist(), index=df1.columns)

output :

i        ii    iii

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