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Showing posts from August, 2023

Why Is Valueerror Thrown By Keras.models.model_from_config() In The Keras-to-tensorflow Exporting Example?

The Keras website has this article about exporting Keras models to core Tensorflow. However the ste… Read more Why Is Valueerror Thrown By Keras.models.model_from_config() In The Keras-to-tensorflow Exporting Example?

Python How To Detect A New Piece Of Media In The Cd?

I have a need to copy a group of files. Unfortunately these files will span multiple DVDs. What I… Read more Python How To Detect A New Piece Of Media In The Cd?

Pyinstaller On Windows With --noconsole Simply Won't Work

I have a fairly simple GUI (wxPython) app and is working great. I'm using Windows 7. When compi… Read more Pyinstaller On Windows With --noconsole Simply Won't Work

How To Use Missing Parameter Of Xgbregressor Of Scikit-learn

I am working on a dataset which contains missing values in certain columns. I am trying to use XGBR… Read more How To Use Missing Parameter Of Xgbregressor Of Scikit-learn

How To Get Id Of Last Inserted Row By Qsqlquery.lastinsertid() From Sql Server?

How can I get ID of last inserted row from SQL Server by PyQt4.QtSql module? Now I'm using SQL … Read more How To Get Id Of Last Inserted Row By Qsqlquery.lastinsertid() From Sql Server?

Why Does This Simple Mp For Finding Angular Velocity Between 2 Quaternions Fail?

This is a follow up to What is the recommended way of constraining floating base quaternion positio… Read more Why Does This Simple Mp For Finding Angular Velocity Between 2 Quaternions Fail?

How To Share Globals Between Imported Modules?

I have two modules, and I want the globals from to be available in like this: … Read more How To Share Globals Between Imported Modules?

Tkinter Text.get() Raises A Typeerror Exception

from tkinter import * def save_d(): files = open('mp3list.txt','a') files.… Read more Tkinter Text.get() Raises A Typeerror Exception

Get Probability From Xgb.train()

I am new to Python and Machine learning. I have searched internet regarding my question and tried t… Read more Get Probability From Xgb.train()

How To Move Jupyter Notebook Cells Up/down Using Keyboard Shortcut?

Anyone knows keyboard shortcut to move cells up or down in Jupyter notebook? Cannot find the shortc… Read more How To Move Jupyter Notebook Cells Up/down Using Keyboard Shortcut?

Getting A View Does Not Return A Valid Response Error Message On My Flask Chatbot

Trying to create a whatsapp bot on Twilio that limits the number of requests a user can make within… Read more Getting A View Does Not Return A Valid Response Error Message On My Flask Chatbot

Python: Setting The Zero Value Color In A Contourf Plot, Where Log Scale Colorbar Is Required

I am trying to make a contour plot from some data files. The trouble I am having is that I want the… Read more Python: Setting The Zero Value Color In A Contourf Plot, Where Log Scale Colorbar Is Required

Extracting Images In Scrapy

I've read through a few other answers here but I'm missing something fundamental. I'm … Read more Extracting Images In Scrapy

Run A Python Script Via Aws Data Pipelines

I use AWS Data Pipelines to run nightly SQL queries that populate tables for summary statistics. T… Read more Run A Python Script Via Aws Data Pipelines

What Is Color Matrix In Rawpy Object?

I am reading a DNG image having size 3120 x 4208 by RawPy. dng = rawpy.imread('TestImages/IMG_2… Read more What Is Color Matrix In Rawpy Object?

How To Delete Directory Containing .git In Python

I am not able to override/delete the folder containing .git in python. I am working on the below co… Read more How To Delete Directory Containing .git In Python

How Can I Properly Kill A Celery Task In A Kubernetes Environment?

How can I properly kill celery tasks running on containers inside a kubernetes environment? The str… Read more How Can I Properly Kill A Celery Task In A Kubernetes Environment?

Selecting Items In An Array By Using 2 Coordinates And Fill It

I'm making a Battleship game bot for a Discord server. I haven't implemented the Discord pa… Read more Selecting Items In An Array By Using 2 Coordinates And Fill It

Beautifulsoup Extracting Data From Multiple Tables

I'm trying to extract some data from two html tables in a html file with BeautifulSoup. This is… Read more Beautifulsoup Extracting Data From Multiple Tables

Does __await__ Need To Be A Generator?

I want to implement an awaitable and noticed that __await__ 'needs' to be a generator. From… Read more Does __await__ Need To Be A Generator?

Pyparsing: Grammar For List Of Dictionaries (erlang)

I'm trying to build a grammar to parse an Erlang tagged tuple list, and map this to a Dict in p… Read more Pyparsing: Grammar For List Of Dictionaries (erlang)

Sub-select A Multi-index Pandas Dataframe To Create Multiple Subsets (using A Dictionary)

I have a dataset similar to the following: df_lenght = 240 df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(df_len… Read more Sub-select A Multi-index Pandas Dataframe To Create Multiple Subsets (using A Dictionary)

Remove Even Numbers From A List

How can I remove even numbers from a list? a = [] i = 0 while i < 10: c = int(raw_input(… Read more Remove Even Numbers From A List

How To Convert Python Json Rows To Dataframe Columns Without Looping

I'm trying to figure out how to do the following without using a loop. I have a dataframe that … Read more How To Convert Python Json Rows To Dataframe Columns Without Looping

How To Scrape Data Using Next Button With Ellipsis Using Scrapy

I need to continuously get the data on next button <1 2 3 ... 5> but there's no provided … Read more How To Scrape Data Using Next Button With Ellipsis Using Scrapy

How Do I Implement This In Ply, Given How Pyparsing Works

I'm trying to implement something in ply, which I'm very new to, based on what I have done … Read more How Do I Implement This In Ply, Given How Pyparsing Works

Writing Animated Gif Using Wand And Imagemagick

I'm having trouble figuring out how to write a basic sequence to an animated gif using Wand th… Read more Writing Animated Gif Using Wand And Imagemagick

How To Use 2 Different Change_list.html For 2 Applications In The Same Django Project

I have 2 applications in the django project. I want to add different widgets in the change_list.htm… Read more How To Use 2 Different Change_list.html For 2 Applications In The Same Django Project

Retrieve All Possible Combinations Of Ascending Integers From Sublists

I have lists containing sublists. From theses lists I want to retrieve all combinations of integers… Read more Retrieve All Possible Combinations Of Ascending Integers From Sublists

How To Test A Django Model With Pytest?

I am getting started with pytest. I have configured pytest, anyway I couldn't found a resource … Read more How To Test A Django Model With Pytest?

Only Partial Access To A Com Type Library Through Python

I am attempting to write some scripts to employ a COM type library that came with an application to… Read more Only Partial Access To A Com Type Library Through Python

Pandas.. Does Quantile Function Need Sorted Data To Calculate Percentiles?

I'm using Pandas to clean up some data and do basic statistics. I am wondering if quantile() do… Read more Pandas.. Does Quantile Function Need Sorted Data To Calculate Percentiles?

Discord Bot Can't Mention Everyone Despite Having Its Permission

Here is the sendMessage function: async def sendMessage(color, title, value, should_delete=True, ch… Read more Discord Bot Can't Mention Everyone Despite Having Its Permission

Lazy Transform In C++

I have the following Python snippet that I would like to reproduce using C++: from itertools import… Read more Lazy Transform In C++

Exception Message Is Not Printed When Using Webdriverwait From Selenium Through Python

I am able to see exception message for if xpath is in try-except() block as self.driver.find_elemen… Read more Exception Message Is Not Printed When Using Webdriverwait From Selenium Through Python

Multiprocessing A Loop Inside A Loop Inside A Function

I wrote some code to break up a for loop into multiple processes to speed up calculations. import n… Read more Multiprocessing A Loop Inside A Loop Inside A Function

Peewee Says "cannot Commit - No Transaction Is Active"

My CherryPy app does some cleaning every hour with the following code: def every_hour(): two_ho… Read more Peewee Says "cannot Commit - No Transaction Is Active"

Pysvn Prompts For Password With Svn+ssh

I'm writing Python app which uses pysvn to get svn log history. It works ok for http:// like ur… Read more Pysvn Prompts For Password With Svn+ssh

How To Change The Text Of A Span That Acts Like A Button

I am working on writing automation tests for a custom web application. I am running into a problem… Read more How To Change The Text Of A Span That Acts Like A Button

Find Gaps In A Sequence Of Strings

I have got a sequence of strings - 0000001, 0000002, 0000003.... upto 2 million. They are not conti… Read more Find Gaps In A Sequence Of Strings

How Can I Run A Python Script On Many Files To Get Many Output Files?

I am new at programming and I have written a script to extract text from a vcf file. I am using a L… Read more How Can I Run A Python Script On Many Files To Get Many Output Files?

Writing To Stdin, Access Denied

I'm trying to write a python script that starts a subprocess, and writes to the subprocess stdi… Read more Writing To Stdin, Access Denied

Recursion Function In Python

Consider this basic recursion in Python: def fibonacci(number): if number == 0: return 0 el… Read more Recursion Function In Python

What Does The "r" In Pythons Re.compile(r' Pattern Flags') Mean?

I am reading through According to this the 'r' i… Read more What Does The "r" In Pythons Re.compile(r' Pattern Flags') Mean?

Extract List From Dict Of Lists Then Append To Dataframe

I'm trying to extract a field from a json that contains a list then append that list to a dataf… Read more Extract List From Dict Of Lists Then Append To Dataframe

How To Copy A File From Host To Container Using Docker-py (docker Sdk)

I know, there is possible way how to copy file bidirectionally between host and docker container us… Read more How To Copy A File From Host To Container Using Docker-py (docker Sdk)

Converting A Yield Statement To A Generator Expression In Python

I have a question regarding converting a yield statement to a generator expression So I have this s… Read more Converting A Yield Statement To A Generator Expression In Python

Pandas Restacking Repeated Values To Columns

The below DataFrame needs to be restacked, so that I have all values for each region on one line. I… Read more Pandas Restacking Repeated Values To Columns

Trying To Detect All The Circles With Houghcircles In Opencv (python)

I am following this tutorial:… Read more Trying To Detect All The Circles With Houghcircles In Opencv (python)

How To Pass A Python Array To An Oracle Stored Procedure?

I have a problem. When I pass a Python array: self.notPermited = [2,3] This is my procedure def se… Read more How To Pass A Python Array To An Oracle Stored Procedure?

Python 3 Integer Addresses

x=300 y=300 print(id(x),id(y)) a=[300,300] print(id(a[0]),id(a[1])) On executing above code I get … Read more Python 3 Integer Addresses

Failing To Load Packages With Pycharm

I am trying to do some web scraping using python with PyCharm on a windows 10 machine. Some sites s… Read more Failing To Load Packages With Pycharm

Python: Matching Values From One List To The Sequences Of Values In Another List

My original question was asked and answered here: Python: matching values from one list to the sequ… Read more Python: Matching Values From One List To The Sequences Of Values In Another List

In-place Numpy Array Sorting According To Given Index

There are some questions that come close, but I haven't found a specific answer to this. I'… Read more In-place Numpy Array Sorting According To Given Index

Python - Problems With Regular Expression And Unicode

Hi I have a problem in python. I try to explain my problem with an example. I have this string: >… Read more Python - Problems With Regular Expression And Unicode