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Why Is Valueerror Thrown By Keras.models.model_from_config() In The Keras-to-tensorflow Exporting Example?

The Keras website has this article about exporting Keras models to core Tensorflow. However the step new_model = model_from_config(config) throws an error: Traceback (most recent

Solution 1:

For whatever reason the dictionry object that keras.models.Model.get_config() returns is not compatible with the keras.models.model_from_config() method to rehydrate models.

I replaced these with equivalent calls to keras.models.Model.model_to_json() and keras.models.model_from_json() and was able to proceed successfully.

Solution 2:

The inverse of keras.models.Model.get_config() seems to be keras.models.Model.from_config(), not keras.models.model_from_config() Try that instead?

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