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Find Gaps In A Sequence Of Strings

I have got a sequence of strings - 0000001, 0000002, 0000003.... upto 2 million. They are not contiguous. Meaning there are gaps. Say after 0000003 the next string might be 0000006

Solution 1:

You could sort the list of ids and then step through it once only:

    """Generate the gaps in the list of ids."""
    j = 1for id_i insorted(ids):
            id_j = '%07d' % j
            j += 1if id_j >= id_i:
                breakyield id_j

>>> list(find_gaps(["0000001", "0000003", "0000006"]))
['0000002', '0000004', '0000005']

If the input list is already in order, then you can avoid the sorted (though it does little harm: Python's adaptive mergesort is O(n) if the list is already sorted).

Solution 2:

For storing sequence of 2 millions ints you can use bitarray. Here each bit means one integer (the integer of that index in bitarray). Example code:

gaps = []
# bitarray is 0 based
a = bitarray.bitarray(total + 1)
for sid in curr_ids:
    a[int(sid)] = Truefor i inrange(1, total):
    ifnot a[i]:
        gaps.append('%07d' %(i))
return gaps

Solution 3:

seq = *the sequence of strings*
n = 2000000gaps = set(str(i).zfill(7) for i in range(1,n+1)) - set(seq)

Solution 4:

I would suggest take it int rather than string for processing and then making it a string again in output

#create a list of int number from your string
foo = [i for i in range(n)]
#creating gaps
while j<n:
    for i in foo:
        if i>j:

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