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Why Does This Simple Mp For Finding Angular Velocity Between 2 Quaternions Fail?

This is a follow up to What is the recommended way of constraining floating base quaternion position and angular velocity? As a sample problem, I am trying to find the angular velo

Solution 1:

I modified your code, and it runs now

import numpy as np
from pydrake.all import Quaternion
from pydrake.all import MathematicalProgram, Solve, eq, le, ge, SolverOptions, SnoptSolver
from pydrake.all import Quaternion_, AutoDiffXd

epsilon = 1e-9
quaternion_epsilon = 1e-9

def quat_multiply(q0, q1):
    w0, x0, y0, z0 = q0
    w1, x1, y1, z1 = q1
    return np.array([-x1*x0 - y1*y0 - z1*z0 + w1*w0,
                   x1*w0 + y1*z0 - z1*y0 + w1*x0,
                  -x1*z0 + y1*w0 + z1*x0 + w1*y0,
                   x1*y0 - y1*x0 + z1*w0 + w1*z0], dtype=q0.dtype)

# Following the suggestion from:#
def apply_angular_velocity_to_quaternion(q, w_axis, w_mag, t):
    delta_q = np.hstack([np.cos(w_mag* t/2.0), w_axis*np.sin(w_mag* t/2.0)])
    return  quat_multiply(q, delta_q)

def backward_euler(q_qprev_v, dt):
    q, qprev, w_axis, w_mag = np.split(q_qprev_v, [
            4+4, 8 + 3])
    returnq - apply_angular_velocity_to_quaternion(qprev, w_axis, w_mag, dt)

N = 2
prog = MathematicalProgram()
q = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=N, cols=4, name='q')
w_axis = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=N, cols=3, name="w_axis")
w_mag = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=N, cols=1, name="w_mag")
dt = [0.0, 1.0] # dt[0] is unusedfor k in range(N):
    (prog.AddConstraint(lambda x: [x @ x], [1], [1], q[k])
            .evaluator().set_description(f"q[{k}] unit quaternion constraint"))
    # Impose unit length constraint on the rotation axis.
    (prog.AddConstraint(lambda x: [x @ x], [1], [1], w_axis[k])
            .evaluator().set_description(f"w_axis[{k}] unit axis constraint"))
for k in range(1, N):
    (prog.AddConstraint(lambda q_qprev_v, dt=dt[k] : backward_euler(q_qprev_v, dt),
            lb=[0.0]*4, ub=[0.0]*4,
            vars=np.concatenate([q[k], q[k-1], w_axis[k], w_mag[k]]))
        .evaluator().set_description(f"q[{k}] backward euler constraint"))

(prog.AddLinearConstraint(eq(q[0], np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])))
        .evaluator().set_description("Initial orientation constraint"))
(prog.AddLinearConstraint(eq(q[-1], np.array([-0.2955511242573139, 0.25532186031279896, 0.5106437206255979, 0.7659655809383968])))
        .evaluator().set_description("Final orientation constraint"))

w_axis_guess = [[0., 0., 1.], [0., 0., 1.]]
w_mag_guess = [[0], [0.]]
# v_guess = [[0., 0., 0.], [1., 2., 3.]] # Uncomment this for the correct guessfor k in range(N):
    prog.SetInitialGuess(w_axis[k], [0, 0, 1])
    prog.SetInitialGuess(w_mag[k], [0])
    prog.SetInitialGuess(q[k], [1., 0., 0., 0.])
solver = SnoptSolver()
result = solver.Solve(prog)
ifnot result.is_success():
    print("---------- INFEASIBLE ----------")
q_sol = result.GetSolution(q)
print(f"q_sol = {q_sol}")
w_axis_sol = result.GetSolution(w_axis)
print(f"w_axis_sol = {w_axis_sol}")
w_mag_sol = result.GetSolution(w_mag)
print(f"w_mag_sol = {w_mag_sol}")

Some suggestions on this problem:

  1. Using [0, 0, 0] as the initial guess of the angular velocity could be bad. Notice that in your original code, you have w / np.linalg.norm(w) where w is the angular velocity. First this causes division by zero, and second, whenever your divisor is small, the gradient w.r.t the divisor is huge, such large gradient can cause problems in gradient based nonlinear optimization solver.
  2. Instead of using angular velocity w as the decision variable, I changed the decision variable to the axis and magnitude of the angular velocity, hence there is no need do the division w / np.linalg.norm(w) any more. Notice that I impose the unit length constraint on the axis.
  3. When there is a unit length constraint x' * x = 1 (like the unit length constraint on quaternion and rotation axis), it is better not to use x=0 as the initial guess. The reason is that the gradient of this constraint x' * x is 0 when x is 0, hence the gradient based solver might not know how to move x.

Side question: Why does snopt claim my problem is infeasible?

When snopt claims the problem is infeasible, it doesn't mean the problem is globally infeasible, just means that in the neighbourhood where it get stuck, it cannot find the solution, while there might be a solution far away from where it gets stuck. Usually if you change the initial guess, and start from the vicinity of the solution, snopt will more likely find a solution.

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