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Showing posts from May, 2024

Fill Two-dimensional List With Values Instead Of Initializing It First With Zeros

I have a two-dimensional array that I want to fill up with values that represent powers but my prob… Read more Fill Two-dimensional List With Values Instead Of Initializing It First With Zeros

Python Mysqldb Documentation Missing Details?

I am trying to make sense of MySQLdb documentation. I was just wondering if there are things missi… Read more Python Mysqldb Documentation Missing Details?

Sum Of Elements Using While Loop

I am trying to get a sum of all elements using while loop. from numpy import * x = array([1, 23, 43… Read more Sum Of Elements Using While Loop

Adding Multiple Elements To A List In Python

I am trying to write something in Python that will be like a piano. Each number that the user enter… Read more Adding Multiple Elements To A List In Python

How To Create A Heat-map With Multiple Colormaps?

As illustrated below, I am looking for an easy way to combine two or more heat-maps into one, i.e.,… Read more How To Create A Heat-map With Multiple Colormaps?

Retrieve Api Data Into Dataframe Using Multi Threading Module

I'm using a third-party API to retrieve 10 minute data from a large number of days for differen… Read more Retrieve Api Data Into Dataframe Using Multi Threading Module

Python Files - Import From Each Other

I would like for two of my python files to import some methods from each other. This seems to be g… Read more Python Files - Import From Each Other

How To Extract And Save Images From Tensorboard Event Summary?

Given a tensorflow event file, how can I extract images corresponding to a specific tag, and then s… Read more How To Extract And Save Images From Tensorboard Event Summary?

Multi-line Search And Replace

I have an unstructured file and I would like to search and replace pattern of strings. Must repla… Read more Multi-line Search And Replace

Ray: Memory Management When Calling Multiple Times Within Python Script

I have a python script that trains a reinforcement learning model using, among others, the librarie… Read more Ray: Memory Management When Calling Multiple Times Within Python Script

How To Write Dict Into File With Characters Other Than English Letters In Python 2.7.8?

Here is the simple example: test = {'location': '北京', 'country': '中国&… Read more How To Write Dict Into File With Characters Other Than English Letters In Python 2.7.8?

Add Custom Tick With Matplotlib

I would like to add a custom tick in a matplotlib figure. Currently, I add my ticks with the follow… Read more Add Custom Tick With Matplotlib

Importing Module Via Another Module

In module A, I import module B. Then, in module C, I import module A. In module C, will I be able t… Read more Importing Module Via Another Module

Python Webdriver Multithread

I'm trying to spawn multiple webdriver instances with the code from:… Read more Python Webdriver Multithread

Mypy Errors For Decorator W/ Arguments

I'm trying to do strict type checking with MyPy and I can't seem to get decorators with arg… Read more Mypy Errors For Decorator W/ Arguments

How Do I Create A Dictionary From A .txt File With Whitespace In Python

This is the .txt file that I have to work with. I cannot change the file in anyway. Avignon 48 Bord… Read more How Do I Create A Dictionary From A .txt File With Whitespace In Python

How Do I Use Pandas Groupby Function To Apply A Formula Based On The Groupby Value

My question may be a little confusing, so let me explain. I have a dataframe of information that I … Read more How Do I Use Pandas Groupby Function To Apply A Formula Based On The Groupby Value

Printing Files In Google App Engine

I am trying to read and print a file in Google App Engine, but the code bellow seems unresponsive. … Read more Printing Files In Google App Engine

Check For (whole Only) Words In String

Training on Checkio. The task is called Popular words. The task is to search for words from a list … Read more Check For (whole Only) Words In String

How To Interpret Values Of Parameters Of Midi File Analysis Especially The "data" Field Of "midi.noteonevent"?

I am trying to analyse MIDI files using a toolkit python-midi for python (link to the repo). Basica… Read more How To Interpret Values Of Parameters Of Midi File Analysis Especially The "data" Field Of "midi.noteonevent"?

Inconsistency Between Idle/pythonwin During Module Imports

I have been fumbling around between IDLE/PythonWin and even Aptana Studio 3 trying to get some cons… Read more Inconsistency Between Idle/pythonwin During Module Imports

How To Pick A Timezone Based On Utc Offset?

i've got a silly problem. I'm parsing Facebook user data, and I get the timezone as a numbe… Read more How To Pick A Timezone Based On Utc Offset?

How Can I Test If A String Starts With A Capital Letter?

Given any string in Python, how can I test to see if its first letter is a capital letter? For exa… Read more How Can I Test If A String Starts With A Capital Letter?

Reshape Tensor In Custom Loss Function

I have a problem similar to this question. I am trying to devise a loss function in keras given as:… Read more Reshape Tensor In Custom Loss Function

Comparison Between Two Images In Python

I want to compare two images using Python, but I'm not familiar with this language. I have two … Read more Comparison Between Two Images In Python

Python Requests-html: Render Html With Cookies

What I'm trying to do: from requests_html import HTMLSession with HTMLSession() as s:… Read more Python Requests-html: Render Html With Cookies

Python 3 List: How Do I Sort [('nj', 81), ('ca', 81), ('dc', 52)] Base On Number And Then Letters?

If my list is [('IL', 36), ('NJ', 81), ('CA', 81), ('DC', 52), (… Read more Python 3 List: How Do I Sort [('nj', 81), ('ca', 81), ('dc', 52)] Base On Number And Then Letters?

Appengine Runs Failed Tasks Twice Even If Task_retry_limit=0

I'm seeing a buggy behaviour in taskqueue API. When a task fails, appengine always runs it once… Read more Appengine Runs Failed Tasks Twice Even If Task_retry_limit=0

How To Read A File As It Is Being Written In Real Time With Python 3 And Asyncio, Like "tail -f"

I want to write a Python program on Linux that reads a log file in real time as it is being written… Read more How To Read A File As It Is Being Written In Real Time With Python 3 And Asyncio, Like "tail -f"

How Do I Increase The Width Of The Dropdown List Within A Spinner?

How do I increase the width of the dropdown list within a spinner? My button as you can see in the … Read more How Do I Increase The Width Of The Dropdown List Within A Spinner?

How To Handle An Executable Requiring Interactive Responses?

I have a executable, called tsfoil2.exe, and I want to operate this .exe from my python environment… Read more How To Handle An Executable Requiring Interactive Responses?

Python Count The Number Of Substring In List From Other String List Without Duplicates

I have two list: main_list = ['Smith', 'Smith', 'Roger', 'Roger-Smith&#… Read more Python Count The Number Of Substring In List From Other String List Without Duplicates

Generate Random Ipv6 Address

In Python, what should I do if I want to generate a random string in the form of an IP v6 address? … Read more Generate Random Ipv6 Address

No Response For Xhr Request In Python With Requests.get()

I want to scrape german poll data from a server. Here, I search for an examplary street, straße … Read more No Response For Xhr Request In Python With Requests.get()

How To Adjust Panning While Zooming

I want to pan while zooming into a Mandelbrot set so that the fractal portion of the function stays… Read more How To Adjust Panning While Zooming

Performing Infinite Loop While Awaiting Input

I have a little project I'm working on, it's fairly simple so I'm hoping someone can he… Read more Performing Infinite Loop While Awaiting Input

Are There Any All In One Packages Like Xampp For Django?

Like with XAMPP you can just install it and start developing because PHP/MySQL/Apache, etc. are all… Read more Are There Any All In One Packages Like Xampp For Django?

Is There A Way To Convert Multiple Date Formats Into Datetime Python

Is there an easy way to convert multiple date formats into a datetime object in python? Eventually … Read more Is There A Way To Convert Multiple Date Formats Into Datetime Python

Subprocess.popen Sets Size And Location Of The External Executed Programme?

I would like to execute an external programme from python via subprocess.Popen. I am wondering whet… Read more Subprocess.popen Sets Size And Location Of The External Executed Programme?

Fortran Program Fails Depending On A Write Statement Before Subroutine Call

It's been a number of years since I've worked with Fortran, so maybe I'm missing a fund… Read more Fortran Program Fails Depending On A Write Statement Before Subroutine Call

Fill In Values Between Given Indices Of 2d Numpy Array

Given a numpy array, a = np.zeros((10,10)) [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,… Read more Fill In Values Between Given Indices Of 2d Numpy Array

Downloading Multiple Files With Requests In Python

Currently im facing following problem: I have 3 download links in a list. Only the last file in the… Read more Downloading Multiple Files With Requests In Python

Create A Pandas Dataframe From A Nested Xml File

Here is a small section of an xml file. I would like to create a database from this with each tag u… Read more Create A Pandas Dataframe From A Nested Xml File

Unable To Scrape The Text From A Certain Li Element

I am scraping this URL. I have to scrape the main content of the page like Room Features and Intern… Read more Unable To Scrape The Text From A Certain Li Element

How To Plot Several Kernel Density Estimates Using Matplotlib?

I want to plot several 'filled' kernel density estimates (KDE) in matplotlib, like the uppe… Read more How To Plot Several Kernel Density Estimates Using Matplotlib?

Generating Grammar Rules For Nltk Parse Trees

If I have the sentence 'Mary saw a dog' and the following: pos_tags = ['NNP', '… Read more Generating Grammar Rules For Nltk Parse Trees

Edge's Key Attribute Meaning Osmnx

I was trying to understand what the key column represents in the edges geodataframe, but I was unab… Read more Edge's Key Attribute Meaning Osmnx

How To Get Unique Values Set From A Repeating Values List

I need to parse a large log file (flat file), which contains two column of values (column-A , colu… Read more How To Get Unique Values Set From A Repeating Values List

Does The Python Regular Expression Module Use Bre Or Ere?

It appears that POSIX splits regular expression implementations into two kinds: Basic Regular Expre… Read more Does The Python Regular Expression Module Use Bre Or Ere?

Take Up Python 3.x Or 2.x?

I started learning Python a few months back - and was immediately faced w/ this question. At that p… Read more Take Up Python 3.x Or 2.x?

'__proxy__' Object Has No Attribute 'get' In Createview

So I'm thinking that this is not the right way to do things, but I am trying to learn django an… Read more '__proxy__' Object Has No Attribute 'get' In Createview

Centralize Text In Image Outputs Error

Below code is not centralizing text no error in code, but i want to centralize text. import os unic… Read more Centralize Text In Image Outputs Error

Change The Number Of Request Retries In Boto3

In boto3 or botocore, how do I do the equivalent of setting the number of request retries? e.g. in … Read more Change The Number Of Request Retries In Boto3

Sending Post Parameters With Python Using Mechanize

I want to fill out this form using Python: < Solution 1: You should use find_control inst… Read more Sending Post Parameters With Python Using Mechanize

Argsort On A Pytables' Array

I have a problem with NumPy's argsort. It creates an int64 array of the length of the input arr… Read more Argsort On A Pytables' Array

Python Cronjob Won't Run

When I am SSH'd into my Ubuntu 6.4 VM and run python, my script executes as it should. … Read more Python Cronjob Won't Run

Gv.polygons Dataerror When Using Osgb Projection

I have 2 shapefiles for the UK: In [3]: # SHAPEFILE 1: ...: # WESTMINISTER PARLIAMENTARY CONSTI… Read more Gv.polygons Dataerror When Using Osgb Projection

Adding A Widget With A Button - Wxpython

I'm trying to create something like the categories panel in Wordpress, with wxPython. What I… Read more Adding A Widget With A Button - Wxpython

Expand Nested List Of Dictionaries In A Pandas Dataframe Column

I have this dataframe called 'leads' I got from saving the output of an SFDC SOQL into a da… Read more Expand Nested List Of Dictionaries In A Pandas Dataframe Column

Pickling Python Function Fails With Processpoolexecutor In A Decorator

So I asked this question and tried the ProcessPoolExecutor approach. I used the decorator suggested… Read more Pickling Python Function Fails With Processpoolexecutor In A Decorator

I Want To Iterate Through An Xlsx, Using Pandas, Containing Timestamps And Get Downtime

So I have an excel file with date in the first column and a regular interval timestamps in the cons… Read more I Want To Iterate Through An Xlsx, Using Pandas, Containing Timestamps And Get Downtime