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Create A Pandas Dataframe From A Nested Xml File

Here is a small section of an xml file. I would like to create a database from this with each tag unique columns names and non-duplicated data. Tried using lxml and the best I hav

Solution 1:

Consider nested xpath loops where first you loop through every <SCRSGT> nodes and then extract all SCRSGT's children using an inner dictionary that iteratively appends to a list for DataFrame call:

from lxml import etree as et
import pandas as pd

trees = et.parse('test.xml')

d = []
for srcsgt in trees.xpath('//SRCSGT'):     # ITERATE THROUGH ROOT'S CHILDREN
    inner = {}
    for elem in srcsgt.xpath('//*'):       # ITERATE THROUGH ROOT'S DESCENDANTS PER CHILDif len(elem.text.strip()) > 0:     # KEEP ONLY NODES WITH NON-ZERO LENGTH TEXT
            inner[elem.tag] = elem.text


df = pd.DataFrame(d)



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