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Importing Module Via Another Module

In module A, I import module B. Then, in module C, I import module A. In module C, will I be able to use the content of module B implicitly via the import of module A, or will I ha

Solution 1:

That should work just fine. However, it would save you some trouble to explicitly import the module as well if only to keep track in your head when looking back at code

If you have any other questions about importing, try taking a gander to this article here

It should help.

Solution 2:

Yes, it will work.

I think however you'll have to do:

import moduleB

rather than:

from moduleB import methodX

Solution 3:

A simple example down below to give you a start but really you should read the basic tutorial and give it a go first


Solution 4:

It works fine.

If C imports A ( : import A) and A imports B ( : import B) and in B you have a function


you can call it from module C :

res = A.B.funcb()

and it will give res = 'foo'

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