How Do I Increase The Width Of The Dropdown List Within A Spinner?
How do I increase the width of the dropdown list within a spinner? My button as you can see in the photo is small, and the values in my drop-down list do not appear completel
Solution 1:
Here is an extension of Spinner
that honors an option_width
class SpinnerWithOptionWidth(Spinner):
option_width = NumericProperty(0) # the new property
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.invisible_attacher = None
super(SpinnerWithOptionWidth, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def on_is_open(self, instance, value):
# This method is modified from Spinner
attacher = self
if value:
if self.option_width > 0:
if self.invisible_attacher is None:
# The DropDown is the same width as the widget it attaches to
# so make an invisible widget with the desired width
self.invisible_attacher = Widget(opacity=0, size_hint=(None, None))
self.invisible_attacher.pos = (self.center_x - self.option_width/2, self.y)
self.invisible_attacher.size = (self.option_width, self.height)
attacher = self.invisible_attacher
# open th DropDown
if self._dropdown.attach_to:
if self.invisible_attacher:
self.invisible_attacher = None
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