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Showing posts from October, 2023

Python Importerror When Module Is In Sys.path

I'm working with Python in the command line and want to import the module 'twitter'. tw… Read more Python Importerror When Module Is In Sys.path

How Can I Split A String In Python?

Possible Duplicates: Split python string every nth character? What is the most “pythonic” way to it… Read more How Can I Split A String In Python?

How To Reduce Boilerplate When Initializating Classes From Jsons In Python 3.5?

I have a set of python webservices that work with data objects they get via a JSON POSTs. In my old… Read more How To Reduce Boilerplate When Initializating Classes From Jsons In Python 3.5?

Using Pandas, Why Is The Column/series Header Not Showing At The Top Of An Output

In: def answer_three(): Top15 = answer_one() #… Read more Using Pandas, Why Is The Column/series Header Not Showing At The Top Of An Output

Post Related Fields Django Rest Framework

new at django. What I am trying to do is POSTING a model which has a OneToOneField property. How do… Read more Post Related Fields Django Rest Framework

Read A File 8 Lines At A Time Python

Hello I am trying to read a file in Python 8 lines at a time and use the current 8 lines as str var… Read more Read A File 8 Lines At A Time Python

Plot Multiple Lines On Subplots With Pandas Df.plot

Is there a way to plot multiple dataframe columns on one plot, with several subplots for the datafr… Read more Plot Multiple Lines On Subplots With Pandas Df.plot

Creating Cartesian Product For N Different Types

Consider I have a dict holding n different types represented by keys:x1, x2 ..xn For simplicity let… Read more Creating Cartesian Product For N Different Types

Gunicorn Command Not Found, But It's In My Requirements.txt

I am deploying a Django app on Heroku , which is successfully deploying, but I am getting the follo… Read more Gunicorn Command Not Found, But It's In My Requirements.txt

Understanding Mutability In Python

I have this snippet: a = [1,2,3] b = a b = [4,5,6] # a doesnt change and this: a = [1,2,3] b = a b… Read more Understanding Mutability In Python

How To Return An Unknown Number Of Objects In Python Animation Function

I am currently trying to animate a series of images where for each image an initially unknown numbe… Read more How To Return An Unknown Number Of Objects In Python Animation Function

Django Admin Is_staff Based On Group

Is it possible to have is_staff selected by choosing a group? Let's say there are two groups: u… Read more Django Admin Is_staff Based On Group

How To Use Sympy To Find The Point Of Intersection Of Two Functions?

I am trying to use the SymPy library to find the point of intersection(s) between two functions: f(… Read more How To Use Sympy To Find The Point Of Intersection Of Two Functions?

Get A List Of Subdirectories

I know I can do this: data = sc.textFile('/hadoop_foo/a') data.count() 240 data = sc.textFi… Read more Get A List Of Subdirectories

How Do I Control When To Stop The Audio Input?

I am using the SpeechRecognition Python package to get the audio from the user. import speech_reco… Read more How Do I Control When To Stop The Audio Input?

Error: __init__() Got An Unexpected Keyword Argument 'n_splits'

I am going to perform ShuffleSplit() method for California housing dataset (Source: https://www.dcc… Read more Error: __init__() Got An Unexpected Keyword Argument 'n_splits'

Vim Cannot Save To Temporary Files Created By Python

Goal I am trying to create and edit a temporary file in vim (exactly the same behavior as a commit … Read more Vim Cannot Save To Temporary Files Created By Python

Renaming Columns When Querying With Sqlalchemy Into Pandas Dataframe

Is there a way to retain the SqlAlchemy attribute names when you query the data into a pandas dataf… Read more Renaming Columns When Querying With Sqlalchemy Into Pandas Dataframe

Reduce An Array Of Matrices In Tensorflow

Functions like tf.reduce_mean and tf.reduce_prod perform element wise operations to reduce a tensor… Read more Reduce An Array Of Matrices In Tensorflow

Python Tkinter Text Widget Fill Fixed Sized Frame Using Grid

Running Python 3.4.2 and Tkinter 8.6 on a Raspberry Pi. I want to create a Text widget that fills … Read more Python Tkinter Text Widget Fill Fixed Sized Frame Using Grid

Sqlalchemy : Association Table For Many-to-many Relationship Between Template_id And Department. How Can I Delete A Relationship?

Department = models.department.Department association_table = Table('template_department',… Read more Sqlalchemy : Association Table For Many-to-many Relationship Between Template_id And Department. How Can I Delete A Relationship?

Array Of Arrays (python/numpy)

I am using Python/NumPy, and I have two arrays like the following: array1 = [1 2 3] array2 = [4 5 6… Read more Array Of Arrays (python/numpy)

Count Number Of Rows For A Timestamp

I am working on the dataset I have to group it and count how many re… Read more Count Number Of Rows For A Timestamp

Writing A Function That Checks Prime Numbers

def primecheck(num): if num > 1: for i in range(2, num): if (num % i) == 0: … Read more Writing A Function That Checks Prime Numbers

How Does Apache Beam's Combinevalues Operate Over Elements When Executing Arithmetic Operations

This is a bit of a contrived example, but I have been exploring the docs for CombineValues and wish… Read more How Does Apache Beam's Combinevalues Operate Over Elements When Executing Arithmetic Operations

Predict_generator And Class Labels

I am using ImageDataGenerator to generate new augmented images and extract bottleneck features fro… Read more Predict_generator And Class Labels

Python String Format Suppress/silent Keyerror/indexerror

Is there a way to use python string.format such that no exception is thrown when an index is missin… Read more Python String Format Suppress/silent Keyerror/indexerror

Pygame: Text Not Appearing

i was following a tutorial and i'm trying to get my text to appear in the screen, here is my co… Read more Pygame: Text Not Appearing

Pandas Key Error: 0 While Plotting A Seaborn Boxplot

I use the following code to read in a Excel file and plot a boxplot using the seaborn package. impo… Read more Pandas Key Error: 0 While Plotting A Seaborn Boxplot

Selenium Python Unable To Scroll Down

Trying to scroll down to the bottom of the page with selenium-webdriver python so that more product… Read more Selenium Python Unable To Scroll Down

Unique Dictionaries Out Of A List Of Lists?

I have a list called matrix which contains some rows. Each row contains some dictionaries, and each… Read more Unique Dictionaries Out Of A List Of Lists?

Pandas | Merge Rows With Same Id

Here is the example data set id firstname lastname email update date … Read more Pandas | Merge Rows With Same Id

Pandas How To Create A Boolean Column Based On Other Boolean Columns In The Df

I have the following df, inv_date inv_id 2017-10-01 100117 2018-04-02 040218 2018-… Read more Pandas How To Create A Boolean Column Based On Other Boolean Columns In The Df

How To Plot A Stacked Bar Chart Using Pandas Python

I have 3 dataframes for yearly data (one for 2014, 2015 and 2016), each having 3 columns named, … Read more How To Plot A Stacked Bar Chart Using Pandas Python

"[:,]" List Slicing Python, What Does It Mean?

I'm reading some code and I see ' list[:,i] for i in range(0,list))......' I am mystifi… Read more "[:,]" List Slicing Python, What Does It Mean?

Openpyxl + How Can I Search For Content In A Cell In Excel, And If The Content Matches The Search Criteria Update The Content?

I'm working on a Python (using 2.7) project to search through excel files for a UNC path for a … Read more Openpyxl + How Can I Search For Content In A Cell In Excel, And If The Content Matches The Search Criteria Update The Content?

Passing And Returning Numpy Arrays To C++ Methods Via Cython

There are lots of questions about using numpy in cython on this site, a particularly useful one bei… Read more Passing And Returning Numpy Arrays To C++ Methods Via Cython

Backref Class Attribute

How to initialize backrefs of mappers without some queries through a session? For example, I have … Read more Backref Class Attribute

How To Ignore The Escaping \ Python List?

I want to ignore the escape character in the following code. >>> a=['\%'] >>… Read more How To Ignore The Escaping \ Python List?

Convert An Int Value To Unicode

I am using pyserial and need to send some values less than 255. If I send the int itself the the as… Read more Convert An Int Value To Unicode

How To Count The Presence Of A Set Of Numbers In A Set Of Intervals Efficiently

The input parameters are a list of tuples representing the intervals and a list of integers. The go… Read more How To Count The Presence Of A Set Of Numbers In A Set Of Intervals Efficiently

How Do I Take Out The Focus Or Minimize A Window With Python?

I need to get focus to a specified window, and the only way I'm seeing on my head, is minimizin… Read more How Do I Take Out The Focus Or Minimize A Window With Python?

Getting Map Location Python

Is there any way to get the computer geolocation (as in Google Maps 'My Location') from a P… Read more Getting Map Location Python

How To Install Package "wordcloud" In Python?

I am trying to install wordcloud in my system using pip. But i have received the below mentioned er… Read more How To Install Package "wordcloud" In Python?

Python: Typeerror: Argument After * Must Be A Sequence

I have this piece of code in which I try to send an UDP datagram in a new thread import threading, … Read more Python: Typeerror: Argument After * Must Be A Sequence

Generating Labels For Nodes Of A Custom Directive

Using the Sphinx 'TODO' Directive example I would like to reference the todo instances embe… Read more Generating Labels For Nodes Of A Custom Directive

Openpyxl Module - Can't Find Openpyxl.utils.dataframe.dataframe_to_rows Function

I am currently working with Pandas and Excel and am using the openpyxl module. I am attempting to w… Read more Openpyxl Module - Can't Find Openpyxl.utils.dataframe.dataframe_to_rows Function

Extract Image Links From The Webpage Using Python

So I wanted to get all of the pictures on this page(of the nba teams).… Read more Extract Image Links From The Webpage Using Python

What's The Runtime Of Python's Strip()?

What's the runtime of Python's strip()? Since remove is O(n) for a single char, is strip O(… Read more What's The Runtime Of Python's Strip()?

Result Changes Every Time I Run Neural Network Code

I got the results by running the code provided in this link Neural Network – Predicting Values of M… Read more Result Changes Every Time I Run Neural Network Code

Numpy Reshape 1d To 2d Array With 1 Column

In numpy the dimensions of the resulting array vary at run time. There is often confusion between a… Read more Numpy Reshape 1d To 2d Array With 1 Column

Animation Of A 3d Surface From Calculated Matrices

I'm trying to animate a 3D surface generated out of Jacobi iterative method, after each iterati… Read more Animation Of A 3d Surface From Calculated Matrices

Adding Line Numbers To A File

I need to write the line numbers to an already existing text file in python 3. They have asked for … Read more Adding Line Numbers To A File

Syntax Highlight (.tmlanguage) In Sublime Text 3 For Packages

I work on this plugin Syntax highlight does not work with Sublime Text 3 when plugin is installed u… Read more Syntax Highlight (.tmlanguage) In Sublime Text 3 For Packages

Adding A New Row To A Dataframe In Pandas For Every Iteration

Adding a new row to a dataframe with correct mapping in pandas Something similar to the above quest… Read more Adding A New Row To A Dataframe In Pandas For Every Iteration

Gae Python Ascii Codec Cant Decode Byte

When I run my application, which finds links, checks if they exist in the database, and adds them t… Read more Gae Python Ascii Codec Cant Decode Byte

Tridiagonal Block Matrix Using Scipy.sparse

I need help in building a block tridiagonal matrix using scipy sparse. What I mean by that is for a… Read more Tridiagonal Block Matrix Using Scipy.sparse

How To Get A Subset Of Rows From A Numpy Matrix Based On A Condition?

How to return a set of rows of a NumPy Matrix that would match a given condition? This is a Numpy M… Read more How To Get A Subset Of Rows From A Numpy Matrix Based On A Condition?

Mutable Default Method Arguments In Python

Possible Duplicate: “Least Astonishment” in Python: The Mutable Default Argument I am using the P… Read more Mutable Default Method Arguments In Python

Django Timed Events

I want to schedule events to happen for my users. Is there an efficient way to do this in Python/Dj… Read more Django Timed Events

Sparkui Url Becomes Inactive After Spark Standalone Application Mode Finishes

I am very new to Spark and I am trying to run the in spark. When I use spark-shell ./b… Read more Sparkui Url Becomes Inactive After Spark Standalone Application Mode Finishes

Importerror: No Module Named Tweepy

I installed pip in a virtual environment. It installed without errors. Here's what I get when I… Read more Importerror: No Module Named Tweepy

How To I Specify The Upper And The Lower Value Of A Color In Hsv Opencv Python

I found way to convert RGB to HSV, but still I am unable to find the upper and lower value of color… Read more How To I Specify The Upper And The Lower Value Of A Color In Hsv Opencv Python