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How To Ignore The Escaping \ Python List?

I want to ignore the escape character in the following code. >>> a=['\%'] >>> print a ['\\%'] I want to output like ['\%']. Is there any way to do that?

Solution 1:

Using string_escape, unicode_escape encoding (See Python Specific Encodings):

>>>a = ['\%']>>>printstr(a).decode('string_escape')

Solution 2:

Couple of manual ways:

>>>print"['%s']" % a[0]

Or more generally:

>>> a=['\%', '\+']
>>> print'[{}]'.format(', '.join("'{}'".format(i) for i in a))
['\%', '\+']
>>> print'[%s]' % ', '.join("'%s'" % i for i in a)
['\%', '\+']

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