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How Do I Control When To Stop The Audio Input?

I am using the SpeechRecognition Python package to get the audio from the user. import speech_recognition as sr # obtain audio from the microphone r = sr.Recognizer() with sr.Micr

Solution 1:

I think you need to read the library specifications; then, you can check that using record method instead of listen method is preferable to your application.

Solution 2:

  1. as the documentation specifies, recording stops when you exit out of with. you may print something after with to know that the recording has been stopped.
  2. here's how you can stop recording after 50 seconds.
import speech_recognition as sr 
recognizer = sr.Recognizer() 
mic = sr.Microphone(device_index=1) 
with mic as source:
    captured_audio = recognizer.record(source=mic, duration=50)

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