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Showing posts from May, 2023

How Can I Convert Form [xmin Ymin Xmax Ymax] To [x Y Width Height] Normalized In Image?

I am building a custom vision application with Microsoft's I am using this tut… Read more How Can I Convert Form [xmin Ymin Xmax Ymax] To [x Y Width Height] Normalized In Image?

How To Replace All Value In All Columns In A Pandas Dataframe With Condition

I have the following data frame: In [11]: import pandas as pd In [12]: mydict = {'foo':[0,… Read more How To Replace All Value In All Columns In A Pandas Dataframe With Condition

Constructing A 3d Cube Of Points From A List

I have a list pts containing N points (Python floats). I wish to construct a NumPy array of dimens… Read more Constructing A 3d Cube Of Points From A List

Fill Zero Values Of 1d Numpy Array With Last Non-zero Values

Let's say we have a 1d numpy array filled with some int values. And let's say that some of … Read more Fill Zero Values Of 1d Numpy Array With Last Non-zero Values

`numpy.mean` Used With A Tuple As `axis` Argument: Not Working With A Masked Array

I have one simple 3D array a1, and its masked analog a2: import numpy a1 = numpy.array([[[ 0.00, … Read more `numpy.mean` Used With A Tuple As `axis` Argument: Not Working With A Masked Array

Python:replace Tab In Double Quotes

Hi i have line where i want to replace tab in double quotes. I have wrote script for that but it is… Read more Python:replace Tab In Double Quotes

Confused About A Variable Assignment (python)

For a task on ProjectEuler I've written code that uses brute force to find the longest chain of… Read more Confused About A Variable Assignment (python)

Does Closing A Sqlalchemy Orm Session Roll Back Uncommitted Changes?

For example, is there a difference between the following two? session = Session() # Session is a se… Read more Does Closing A Sqlalchemy Orm Session Roll Back Uncommitted Changes?

Shifting Elements Of Column Based On Index Given Condition On Another Column

I have a dataframe (df) with 2 columns and 1 index. Index is datetime index and is in format of 20… Read more Shifting Elements Of Column Based On Index Given Condition On Another Column

Repo Fail To Init On Ubuntu 16,0 Virtual Box On Macbook

I am trying to build AOSP image on my mac Book using Linux virtual box. Since I don't have eno… Read more Repo Fail To Init On Ubuntu 16,0 Virtual Box On Macbook

What Is A Fast And Proper Way To Refresh/update Plots In Bokeh (0.11) Server App?

I have a bokeh (v0.11) serve app that produces a scatter plot using (x,y) coordinates from a data f… Read more What Is A Fast And Proper Way To Refresh/update Plots In Bokeh (0.11) Server App?

Issue With Django-forms: 'wsgirequest' Object Has No Attribute 'get'

I am getting this error in the Django debug-view: 'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute … Read more Issue With Django-forms: 'wsgirequest' Object Has No Attribute 'get'

Irsend Is Not Giving Errors, But Does Not Send Signal On Raspbian

I am trying to build the air conditioner control system, which will allow me to control the ac'… Read more Irsend Is Not Giving Errors, But Does Not Send Signal On Raspbian

How To Fix The Vcvarsall Error On Pycharm?

I am on 64-bit Windows 7 SP1. I have PyCharm Community Edition 4.0.4 with Python 3.4.2. I want to i… Read more How To Fix The Vcvarsall Error On Pycharm?

How To Plot Sine Wave In Python With Sudden Amplitude Change?

Posted: 7/4/2020 I was wondering if anyone knows how to plot a sine wave with let's say amplitu… Read more How To Plot Sine Wave In Python With Sudden Amplitude Change?

Mock A Class With Tedious __init__

I have a class that actually connects to a service and does authentication and stuff, but all of th… Read more Mock A Class With Tedious __init__

Add Zeros As Prefix To A Calculated Value Based On The Number Of Digits

I have written an expression which will ask for a user input. Based on the user input, it will calc… Read more Add Zeros As Prefix To A Calculated Value Based On The Number Of Digits

Numpy Interconversion Between Multidimensional And Linear Indexing

I'm looking for a fast way to interconvert between linear and multidimensional indexing in Nump… Read more Numpy Interconversion Between Multidimensional And Linear Indexing

Filtering Dataframe Using Bokeh/widget/callback

Currently my data set is in the format: Date, Currency, Price which I am filtering at Currency leve… Read more Filtering Dataframe Using Bokeh/widget/callback

How Do I Make A Proper "nuke" Command

Okay i want to make a 'nuke' command that basically saves the old name, topic and permissio… Read more How Do I Make A Proper "nuke" Command

Efficiently Find Repeated Characters In A String

I know that the efficiency of this code is not optimal (esp. with gigantic inputs), and I know that… Read more Efficiently Find Repeated Characters In A String

How To Retrieve The Crash Data Of Firefox Using Geckodriver (in Java)

I was asked to provide analyzing crash data of Firefox, so I'm trying to follow the steps in th… Read more How To Retrieve The Crash Data Of Firefox Using Geckodriver (in Java)

Python Pandas: Function Doesn't Work When Used With Apply()

The following function: def func(x): for k in x['slices']: for j in k: … Read more Python Pandas: Function Doesn't Work When Used With Apply()

Pygame - Compiling To Exe With Cx_freeze

I'm trying to convert my pygame game to exe with Cx_freeze; It works fine when I run it from a … Read more Pygame - Compiling To Exe With Cx_freeze

Error When Assigning Local Variable With Same Name As A Global Variable

I am seeing an error when assigning either a global or an enclosing-function local to a local varia… Read more Error When Assigning Local Variable With Same Name As A Global Variable

Dictionary Shared Between Objects For No Reason?

The following code is supposed to create a new (modified) version of a frequency distribution (nltk… Read more Dictionary Shared Between Objects For No Reason?

My Pygame Character Leaves Trails When I Move It

I've been trying to make a game in Python but when I move my character it leaves a trail behind… Read more My Pygame Character Leaves Trails When I Move It

Requests : No Connection Adapters Were Found For, Error In Python3

import requests import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import re gen_news_list=[] r_milligenel = reque… Read more Requests : No Connection Adapters Were Found For, Error In Python3

How To Align Fields In Embedded Messages

I am creating an embedded message that will look like Each field's value has a stri… Read more How To Align Fields In Embedded Messages

Scroll A Specific Part Of A Website With Selenium.

I'm trying to create a script that will be used to scroll this site:… Read more Scroll A Specific Part Of A Website With Selenium.

Django Model Choice Field - Depend On Other Field's Choice

I need django modelform with 2 fields, where second field choice list depends on what was chosen in… Read more Django Model Choice Field - Depend On Other Field's Choice

Pivot Dataframe With No Unique Column

My DataFrame looks like this, df = index | A | B | C 0 |00456|text1|date1 1 |00443|tex… Read more Pivot Dataframe With No Unique Column

Value Search From Dictionary Via User Input

I have written the following code for getting an output of the various districts located in the giv… Read more Value Search From Dictionary Via User Input

Importing Python Module In R

I am trying to import a python module in R using the reticulate package. The module can be found he… Read more Importing Python Module In R

Odoo/openerp: Hiding Create Button From Treeview

I have a situation here. I am using OpenERP 7. I am trying to hide Create button from tree view of … Read more Odoo/openerp: Hiding Create Button From Treeview

Activating A Virtual Env Not Working

I created two virtualenv and I installed two different versions of django. Now I have a problem to … Read more Activating A Virtual Env Not Working

Unzip Nested Zip Files In Python

I am looking for a way to unzip nested zip files in python. For example, consider the following str… Read more Unzip Nested Zip Files In Python

Python - Group Dates By Month

Here's a quick problem that I, at first, dismissed as easy. An hour in, and I'm not so sure… Read more Python - Group Dates By Month

Crop Image Using Mask And Python Scikit-image

I'm working in image proceesing and I have the following code to obtain the convex hull of a im… Read more Crop Image Using Mask And Python Scikit-image