Constructing A 3d Cube Of Points From A List
Solution 1:
I think that the following should work:
pts = np.array(pts) #Skip if pts is a numpy array already
lp = len(pts)
arr = np.zeros((lp,lp,lp,3))
arr[:,:,:,0] = pts[:,None,None] #None is the same as np.newaxis
arr[:,:,:,1] = pts[None,:,None]
arr[:,:,:,2] = pts[None,None,:]
A quick test:
import numpy as np
import timeit
pts = np.array(pts) #Skip if pts is a numpy array already
lp = len(pts)
arr = np.zeros((lp,lp,lp,3))
arr[:,:,:,0] = pts[:,None,None] #None is the same as np.newaxis
arr[:,:,:,1] = pts[None,:,None]
arr[:,:,:,2] = pts[None,None,:]
return arr
lp = len(pts)
N = lp
arr = np.zeros((lp,lp,lp,3))
for i in xrange(0, N):
for j in xrange(0, N):
for k in xrange(0, N):
arr[i,j,k,0] = pts[i]
arr[i,j,k,1] = pts[j]
arr[i,j,k,2] = pts[k]
return arr
pts = range(10)
a1 = meth1(pts)
a2 = meth2(pts)
print np.all(a1 == a2)
NREPEAT = 10000print timeit.timeit('meth1(pts)','from __main__ import meth1,pts',number=NREPEAT)
print timeit.timeit('meth2(pts)','from __main__ import meth2,pts',number=NREPEAT)
results in:
True0.873255968094#my way11.4249279499#original
So this new method is an order of magnitude faster as well.
Solution 2:
import numpy as np
N = 10
pts = xrange(0,N)
l = [ [ [ [ pts[i],pts[j],pts[k] ] for k in xrange(0,N) ] for j in xrange(0,N) ] for i in xrange(0,N) ]
x = np.array(l, np.int32)
print x.shape # (10,10,10,3)
Solution 3:
This can be done in two lines:
arrs = np.broadcast_arrays(*np.ix_(pts, pts, pts))
return np.concatenate([a[...,None] for a in arrs], axis=3)
However, this method is not as fast as mgilson's answer, because concatenate
is annoyingly slow. A generalized version of his answer performs roughly as well, though, and can generate the result you want (i.e. an n-dimensional cartesian product contained within an n-dimensional grid) for any set of arrays.
defmeth4(arrs): # or meth4(*arrs) for a simplified interface
arr = np.empty([len(a) for a in arrs] + [len(arrs)])
for i, a inenumerate(np.ix_(*arrs)):
arr[...,i] = a
return arr
This accepts any sequence of sequences, as long as it can be converted into a sequence of numpy arrays:
>>> meth4([[0, 1], [2, 3]])
array([[[ 0., 2.],
[ 0., 3.]],
[[ 1., 2.],
[ 1., 3.]]])
And the cost of this generality isn't too high -- it's only twice as slow for small pts
>>>(meth4([pts, pts, pts]) == meth1(pts)).all()
>>>%timeit meth4([pts, pts, pts])
10000 loops, best of 3: 27.4 us per loop
>>>%timeit meth1(pts)
100000 loops, best of 3: 13.1 us per loop
And it's actually a bit faster for larger ones (although the speed gain is probably due to my use of empty
instead of zeros
>>>pts = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)>>>%timeit meth4([pts, pts, pts])
100 loops, best of 3: 13.4 ms per loop
>>>%timeit meth1(pts)
100 loops, best of 3: 16.7 ms per loop
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