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`numpy.mean` Used With A Tuple As `axis` Argument: Not Working With A Masked Array

I have one simple 3D array a1, and its masked analog a2: import numpy a1 = numpy.array([[[ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00], [ 0.88, 0.80, 0.78], [ 0.75

Solution 1:

For a MaskedArray argument, numpy.mean calls MaskedArray.mean, which doesn't support a tuple axis argument. You can get the correct behavior by reimplementing MaskedArray.mean in terms of operations that do support tuples for axis:

defmean(a, axis=None):
    if a.mask is
        returnsuper(, a).mean(axis=axis)

    counts = numpy.logical_not(a.mask).sum(axis=axis)
    if counts.shape:
        sums = a.filled(0).sum(axis=axis)
        mask = (counts == 0)
        return * 1. / counts, mask=mask, copy=False)
    elif counts:
        # Return scalar, not arrayreturn a.filled(0).sum(axis=axis) * 1. / counts
        # Masked scalarreturn

or, if you're willing to rely on MaskedArray.sum working with a tuple axis (which you likely are, given that you're using undocumented behavior of numpy.mean),

defmean(a, axis=None):
    if a.mask is
        returnsuper(, a).mean(axis=axis)

    sums = a2.sum(axis=axis)
    counts = numpy.logical_not(a.mask).sum(axis=axis)
    result = sums * 1. / counts

where we're relying on MaskedArray.sum to handle the mask.

I have only lightly tested these functions; before using them, make sure they actually work, and write some tests. For example, if the output is 0-dimensional and there are no masked values, whether the output is a 0D MaskedArray or a scalar depends on whether the input mask is nomask or an array of all False. This is the same as the default MaskedArray.mean behavior, but it may not be what you want; I suspect the default behavior is a bug.

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