How To Retrieve The Crash Data Of Firefox Using Geckodriver (in Java)
I was asked to provide analyzing crash data of Firefox, so I'm trying to follow the steps in this Firefox docs. I have to add this Python code before my own test code which is in J
Solution 1:
For anybody having trouble to do it in Java, this code worked for me :
File pathToGeckoDriver = new File("/path/to/geckodriver/executable");
File pathToFirefoxBinary = new File("/path/to/firefox/executable");
# Custom profile folder to keep the minidump files
Path basedir = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath("/tmp");
String tmp_dir_prefix = ".selenium";
Path tmp_dir = Files.createTempDirectory(basedir, tmp_dir_prefix);
# Use the above folder as custom profile
FirefoxBinary ffBinary = new FirefoxBinary(pathToFirefoxBinary);
ffBinary.addCommandLineOptions(tmp_dir.toString()); # Use the above folder as custom profile
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(
new GeckoDriverService.Builder()
.usingPort(2828) # hard-code the Marionette port so geckodriver can connect
# Your test code which crashes Firefox
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