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Showing posts from April, 2024

Python - How To Show Values On Top Of Bar Plot

Python newbie here. I want to show values above each bin in the following graph: This is my code: … Read more Python - How To Show Values On Top Of Bar Plot

Key Corresponding To Maximum Value In Python Dictionary

a = dict(((1,3),(0,-1),(3,21))) m = max(a, key=a.get) Can someone give me an explanation on why th… Read more Key Corresponding To Maximum Value In Python Dictionary

How To Set Rotation For Seaborn Facetgrid And Figure-level Xtick Labels

I have a dataframe (df) looks like below: import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns data = {'Y… Read more How To Set Rotation For Seaborn Facetgrid And Figure-level Xtick Labels

How To Add Table Title In Python Preferably With Pandas

I would like to add a table title in the out put. It's relatively easy to do this in r with fle… Read more How To Add Table Title In Python Preferably With Pandas

H5py: Correct Way To Slice Array Datasets

I'm a bit confused here: As far as I have understood, h5py's .value method reads an entire … Read more H5py: Correct Way To Slice Array Datasets

Pandas Display: Truncate Column Display Rather Than Wrapping

With lengthy column names, DataFrames will display in a very messy form seemingly no matter what op… Read more Pandas Display: Truncate Column Display Rather Than Wrapping

Extending From Gtkbin

I'm trying to make a custom widget that resembles the 'quick search' entry that Gtk use… Read more Extending From Gtkbin

How To Create Histograms In Panda Python Using Specific Rows And Columns In Data Frame

I have the following data frame in the picture, i want to take a Plot a histogram to show the distr… Read more How To Create Histograms In Panda Python Using Specific Rows And Columns In Data Frame

Lxml: Cannot Import Etree

I went to this page and downloaded the tar file : … Read more Lxml: Cannot Import Etree

Update Tkinter Label From Serial Data Whenever There's New Data From Serial Port Python 3.x

I have encounter this problem where i could not display any value on the label which i wanted to co… Read more Update Tkinter Label From Serial Data Whenever There's New Data From Serial Port Python 3.x

Speed Up Numpy Nested Loop

I am writing a simulation for a wireless network in python using numpy and cython, where suppose th… Read more Speed Up Numpy Nested Loop

Pip Is Not Installing My Data_files. But Easy_install Does

This is going to be a short question. The source is here: And the tit… Read more Pip Is Not Installing My Data_files. But Easy_install Does

Python Using Derived Class's Method In Parent Class?

Can I force a parent class to call a derived class's version of a function? class Base(object):… Read more Python Using Derived Class's Method In Parent Class?

Tkinter International Bind

Is there a way in Tkinter to bind a combination of keys that will work in all keyboard layouts? (bi… Read more Tkinter International Bind

How Can I Sum Two Different Columns At Once Where One Contains Decimal Objects In Pandas?

I have a dataframe that I want to aggregate the sums for for two different columns. Here is a df.he… Read more How Can I Sum Two Different Columns At Once Where One Contains Decimal Objects In Pandas?

How To Convert To Dict?

I try to get JSON data from client using this line (requests library) POST request: H… Read more How To Convert To Dict?

Pandas Dataframe Subtraction Result Has Row And Dtype Information

I have a simple dataframe and I compute a very simple subtraction like so: p0_cost = cost_df['… Read more Pandas Dataframe Subtraction Result Has Row And Dtype Information

How To Call A Python Function By Name From The C-api?

From the c-api, I would like to call a python function by name. I would then be calling the functi… Read more How To Call A Python Function By Name From The C-api?

How To Get An Open And Scaling Arrow Head In Matplotlib

In a Seaborn barplot, I want to annotate a column with an arrow. Now, while I see how this might se… Read more How To Get An Open And Scaling Arrow Head In Matplotlib

Matplotlib Table Falls Outside Plot Area

I have a table within a plot using Matplotlib and the table spills out past the plot area. Is there… Read more Matplotlib Table Falls Outside Plot Area

Scope Of Imported Modules/functions In Python

I'm new here and am not 100% sure how to ask this question so I'll just dive right in. Sho… Read more Scope Of Imported Modules/functions In Python

Hp Alm Results Attachment And Status Update Using Python

Challenge : Attach screenshots to Tests in TestLab , update status as PASS/FAIL steps wise (current… Read more Hp Alm Results Attachment And Status Update Using Python

Numpy To Get The Exact Arguments Of Duplicated Elements In A 2d Array

I have two 2D arrays a and b. I want to find the exact indices of a in b. I followed the solution p… Read more Numpy To Get The Exact Arguments Of Duplicated Elements In A 2d Array

How To Install Lxml Python 3.3 Windows 8 64 Bit

I think I'm too stupid for installing LXML Lib on my System. Please can anyone help me with ins… Read more How To Install Lxml Python 3.3 Windows 8 64 Bit

Beautifulsoup: Scraping Different Data Sets Having Same Set Of Attributes In The Source Code

I'm using the BeautifulSoup module for scraping the total number of followers and total number … Read more Beautifulsoup: Scraping Different Data Sets Having Same Set Of Attributes In The Source Code

How To Get Group Name Of Match Regular Expression In Python?

Question is very basic whatever I do not know how to figure out group name from match. Let me expla… Read more How To Get Group Name Of Match Regular Expression In Python?

Convert Large Csv File To Excel Using Python 3

this is my code covert CSV file to .xlsx file, for small size CSV file this code is working fine, b… Read more Convert Large Csv File To Excel Using Python 3

Sys.stdin.readline() Reads Without Prompt, Returning 'nothing In Between'

I have a function that executes the following (among other things): userinput = stdin.readline() b… Read more Sys.stdin.readline() Reads Without Prompt, Returning 'nothing In Between'

Parsing Text File With Json-like Object Into Csv

I have a text file containing key-value pairs, with the last two key-value pairs containing JSON-li… Read more Parsing Text File With Json-like Object Into Csv

Python Django Unsalted Md5 Password Hash Format

ive got an user table from an old php application where users have unsalted md5 hashes as password … Read more Python Django Unsalted Md5 Password Hash Format

Sliding Window Iterator Using Rolling In Pandas

If it's single row, I can get the iterator as following import pandas as pd import numpy as np … Read more Sliding Window Iterator Using Rolling In Pandas

Request.files Is Empty

I have a form with an for selecting images to upload, and once upload button is clicked, a POST XM… Read more Request.files Is Empty

Spreadsheet Not Found Error - Trying To Access Google Sheets

I am testing this code. import gspread from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCrede… Read more Spreadsheet Not Found Error - Trying To Access Google Sheets

Catch Universal Newlines But Preserve Original

So this is my problem, I'm trying to do a simple program that runs another process using Python… Read more Catch Universal Newlines But Preserve Original

Having Trouble Installing Pywin32 On My Windows 10 Operating System Based Computer

Why will it not install? I thought I followed the correct procedures Solution 1: Just use bounding… Read more Having Trouble Installing Pywin32 On My Windows 10 Operating System Based Computer

The Accessing Commented Html Lines With Beautifulsoup

I am attempting to webscrape stats from this specific webpage:… Read more The Accessing Commented Html Lines With Beautifulsoup

Trained Tensorflow Model Always Outputs Zero

I am training an autonomous driving convolutional neural network in TensorFlow. It is a simple regr… Read more Trained Tensorflow Model Always Outputs Zero

Raise To 1/3 Gives Complex Number

I cannot understand the following output. I would expect Numpy to return -10 (or an approximation).… Read more Raise To 1/3 Gives Complex Number

How To Use Star Detector In Opencv 3 With Python?

I'm trying to use the STAR detector in openCV 3, and it's throwing an error: import cv2 im… Read more How To Use Star Detector In Opencv 3 With Python?

Django Admin: Image Saved But Error Occured When Click

I am ashamed to ask a question of that sort but I still can not solve my problem. I normally upload… Read more Django Admin: Image Saved But Error Occured When Click

Ipython Install New Modules

I am used to the R functionality of installing packages and I am trying to do the same thing with i… Read more Ipython Install New Modules

Pack Data Into Binary String In Python

Using the PHP pack() function, I have converted a string into a binary hex representation: pack(… Read more Pack Data Into Binary String In Python

Django Context Processor Trouble

So I am just starting out on learning Django, and I'm attempting to complete one of the sample … Read more Django Context Processor Trouble

What Does 'u' Before A String In Python Mean?

Possible Duplicate: What does the ‘u’ symbol mean in front of string values? I have this json tex… Read more What Does 'u' Before A String In Python Mean?

Float Deviation In Python List

Possible Duplicate: Python float - str - float weirdness I run the following code in python on co… Read more Float Deviation In Python List

How To Get Spyder To Open Python Scripts (.py Files) Directly From Windows Explorer

I have recently installed the Anaconda distribution on Windows 7 (Anaconda 3-2.4.0-Windows-x86_64).… Read more How To Get Spyder To Open Python Scripts (.py Files) Directly From Windows Explorer

Changing Wxpython App Mac Menu Bar Title?

I've made a .app with my WxPython script, and it's just about finished. The problem is, the… Read more Changing Wxpython App Mac Menu Bar Title?

Cv2 Python Videocapture(0) Unexpected Argument

I have a short python script that will open the webcam and display a live feed on a local web site.… Read more Cv2 Python Videocapture(0) Unexpected Argument

How Can I Configure Celery To Run On Startup Of Nginx?

I have celery running locally by just running celery -A proj -l info (although I don't even kno… Read more How Can I Configure Celery To Run On Startup Of Nginx?

Porter Stemmer Algorithm Not Returning The Expected Output? When Modified Into Def

I'm using the PorterStemmer Python Port The Porter stemming algorithm (or ‘Porter stemmer’) i… Read more Porter Stemmer Algorithm Not Returning The Expected Output? When Modified Into Def

Understanding Device Allocation, Parallelism(tf.while_loop) And Tf.function In Tensorflow

I'm trying to understand parallelism on GPU in tensorflow as I need to apply it on uglier graph… Read more Understanding Device Allocation, Parallelism(tf.while_loop) And Tf.function In Tensorflow

Interpreting A Python Function From Json Data

I am trying to determine the equivalence of two simple functions passed to python via json like so:… Read more Interpreting A Python Function From Json Data

Selecting Data From A Treeview

I use a ttk.TreeView as a multicolumn ListBox which effectively displays the sql data I send to it … Read more Selecting Data From A Treeview

Do Locally Set Cython Compiler Directives Affect One Or All Functions?

I am working on speeding up some Python/Numpy code with Cython, and am a bit unclear on the effects… Read more Do Locally Set Cython Compiler Directives Affect One Or All Functions?

Pyinstaller Onefile Not Including Data Files

I have an application I would like to package into a single file, but am running into issues with t… Read more Pyinstaller Onefile Not Including Data Files

Converting Individual Digits To String

I think i'm very close but i cant seem to fix my issues. I need a function that takes a 10-digi… Read more Converting Individual Digits To String