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Convert Large Csv File To Excel Using Python 3

this is my code covert CSV file to .xlsx file, for small size CSV file this code is working fine, but when I tried for larger size CSV files, Its shows an error. import os import g

Solution 1:

While using large files, it's better to use 'constant_memory' for controlled memory usage like:

workbook = Workbook(csvfile + '.xlsx', {'constant_memory': True}).


Solution 2:

I found Out New Code with panda package, this code is working fine now

import pandas
data = pandas.read_csv('Documents_2/AdvMedcsv.csv') 
data = data.groupby(lambda x: data['research_id'][x]).first() 
writer = pandas.ExcelWriter('Documents_2/AdvMed.xlsx',engine='xlsxwriter')data.to_excel(writer)

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