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Showing posts from January, 2023

Python 'with' Statement, Should I Use Contextlib.closing?

from contextlib import closing def init_db(): with closing(connect_db()) as db: with a… Read more Python 'with' Statement, Should I Use Contextlib.closing?

OpenCV - Laplacian Different Results In Python And C++

I was coding the Python version of one of the C++ tutorials and noticed that the output image was d… Read more OpenCV - Laplacian Different Results In Python And C++

Matplotlib Show() Doesn't Work Twice

I have a strange problem, with matplotlib. If I run this program, I'm able to open and close se… Read more Matplotlib Show() Doesn't Work Twice

Overcoming Python's Limitations Regarding Instance Methods

It seems that Python has some limitations regarding instance methods. Instance methods can't b… Read more Overcoming Python's Limitations Regarding Instance Methods

How To Use Contacts.getLocated() From Telegram API With Telethon?

I want to use the new 'People nearby' feature from Telegram. I want to do it in python so I… Read more How To Use Contacts.getLocated() From Telegram API With Telethon?

Why Is 08 Or 09 In Python Invalid?

In the Python interpreter, 08 and 09 seem invalid. Example: >>> 01 1 >>> 02 2 >… Read more Why Is 08 Or 09 In Python Invalid?

How Can An Almost Arbitrary Plane In A 3D Dataset Be Plotted By Matplotlib?

There is an array containing 3D data of shape e.g. (64,64,64), how do you plot a plane given by a p… Read more How Can An Almost Arbitrary Plane In A 3D Dataset Be Plotted By Matplotlib?

How To Segment Femur From X-ray In OpenCV?

My goal is to segment the bone from an x-ray image, more specifically the femur bone. Input image 1… Read more How To Segment Femur From X-ray In OpenCV?

Linearly Interpolate Missing Rows In Pandas Dataframe

I have the foll. dataframe: Value ts year JD check group_id … Read more Linearly Interpolate Missing Rows In Pandas Dataframe

Django / Django-easy-pdf : 'NoneType' Object Has No Attribute 'encode'

I'm trying to get django-easy-pdf to work, but am receiving this error: Environment: Request … Read more Django / Django-easy-pdf : 'NoneType' Object Has No Attribute 'encode'

Creating A New Variable Using The Def Command In Python

I am trying define a command that creates a new variable based on one of the arguments given for th… Read more Creating A New Variable Using The Def Command In Python

Heroku No Such Process Type Web Defined In Procfile

When i'm runing heroku ps:scale web=1, I'm getting below error. Scaling dynos... failed … Read more Heroku No Such Process Type Web Defined In Procfile

Passthrough Is Not Supported, GL Is Disabled

I tried crawling a specific site using selenium and, and my code crawled e… Read more Passthrough Is Not Supported, GL Is Disabled

Vectorize Numpy Code With Operation Depending On Previous Value

The following code models a system that can sample 3 different states at any time, and the constant… Read more Vectorize Numpy Code With Operation Depending On Previous Value

How To Distinguish Filled Circle/contour And Unfilled Circle/contour In OpenCV?

I am unable to differentiate the below two contours. cv2.contourArea is giving the same value for b… Read more How To Distinguish Filled Circle/contour And Unfilled Circle/contour In OpenCV?

Getting Value After Button Click With BeautifulSoup Python

I'm trying to get a value that is given by the website after a click on a button. Here is the w… Read more Getting Value After Button Click With BeautifulSoup Python

Filter Pandas Dataframe For Past X Days

I have a dataframe with a date column that I update daily. I'd like to create a copy of it with… Read more Filter Pandas Dataframe For Past X Days

How To Set Firefox Profile On Selenium Driver Linux Python

Im looking for a little help to have selenium use my profile for firefox I have found my firefox pr… Read more How To Set Firefox Profile On Selenium Driver Linux Python

How To Partition Pandas Data Frame Based On Week And Save As CSV?

I have a pandas data frame as below. This data frame about one month period. How do I partition th… Read more How To Partition Pandas Data Frame Based On Week And Save As CSV?