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Django / Django-easy-pdf : 'NoneType' Object Has No Attribute 'encode'

I'm trying to get django-easy-pdf to work, but am receiving this error: Environment: Request Method: GET Request URL: http://localhost:8001/lld/tesco-greenfield-datacenter-deploy

Solution 1:

I can't even believe I've spent a few days crying and tearing my hair out because I was using a Google font. Yep, once I removed <link href=",700" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> from my template, the error vamoosed!

Solution 2:

After dig in xhml2pdf I saw @RMPhoenix is right the only solution (for now) is remove the CSS causing this error. The traceback clearly shows that CSS parser raise an error.

But the more relevant is I think this piece of code:

xhtml2pdf/ in pisaParser at line 711:

    if default_css:
    pisaPreLoop(document, context)
    #    context.cssText = DEFAULT_CSS
    #    context.parseCSS()
    # context.debug(9, pprint.pformat(context.css))
    pisaLoop(document, context)

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