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Heroku No Such Process Type Web Defined In Procfile

When i'm runing heroku ps:scale web=1, I'm getting below error. Scaling dynos... failed No such process type web defined in Procfile. My Procfile contains below code. worke

Solution 1:

Your heroku command has "web=1" but your Procfile has "worker". Try:

heroku ps:scale worker=1

Solution 2:

I dont see you define single process type "web" in your procfile. Follow on this heroku procfile and define python procfile :

web: gunicorn gettingstarted.wsgi --log-file -

This declares a single process type, web, and the command needed to run it. The name web is important here. It declares that this process type will be attached to the HTTP routing stack of Heroku, and receive web traffic when deployed.

Procfiles can contain additional process types.

worker: bundle exec rake jobs:work

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