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Is There A Way To Improve Speed With For Loops

I am needing to POST a series of XML elements (could be a varying amount per call). I am using Requests v2.25.1 on Python 3.9.1. While my solution works, it is taking roughly 27

Solution 1:

It looks like you are timing the elapsed time of last request in the loop. You can calculate the total elapsed time by moving r.elapsed into the loop and summing each request, or by adding to a running total in the loop and printing at the end.

total_elapsed = 0for sgid in skillgroups:
    r = requests.request("POST",icm_url, headers = icm_header,
            data = body.format(agent = str(skill_id[0]), skill_urls = '<refURL>/unifiedconfig/config/skillgroup/' + str(sgid) + '</refURL>',),
            verify = r"CAchain.pem",
            cert = (r"cert.cer", r"cert.key"),
    total_elapsed += r.elapsed

basic asyncio and aiohttp implementation

import asyncio
import aiohttp

asyncdefpost_request(session, url):
    asyncwith as request: #add your request headers, certificate etcawait request.status

    asyncwith aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: # use client session to auto close at the end
        tasks = []
        for url in urls:
            t = asyncio.create_task(post_request(session, url)) #create a number of tasks to run concurrently

        await asyncio.gather(*tasks) # wait for all tasks to finish before close the session

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