How Can I Define Functions In A For Loop?
Solution 1:
① You are nesting lists although you just want a flat list (of functions). See the answer of @BartoszKP on that.
② You want to create functions based on local variables. You can do this using lambdas, as @Harsh is proposing, or you can do it using defaulted variables:
defF_analytic(k, m, c, f=f): # notice the f=f here!
F_t = k*m*c*f
return F_t
③ You should consider whether having a list of functions really is what you want (as @Wooble already pointed out).
Solution 2:
No, what you have is a list of lists of functions, with each inner list having 1 function.
(Although honestly, this whole approach seems rather suspicious; any reason you don't want one function with 4 parameters instead of 100 with 3?)
Solution 3:
This is because you are creating a list of lists, you can call each function object like this:
Alternatively, just create a list of functions:
f_t = []
for f in inputs[:,0]:
index = index +1
def F_analytic(k, m, c):
F_t = k*m*c*f
return F_t
And as noted by other answers and comments, this all seems a rather strange approach. Do you really need to do this? :)
Solution 4:
Sorry i dont think i answered the question properly, try this approach:
f_t = []
for f in input[:,0]:
f_t.append(lambda k, m, c: k*m*c*f)
You can call the functions easily by: lets say you want to call the first one:
Where k,m,c are your variables
Solution 5:
Let's clean this code up:
#instead of an index counter, python provide `enumerate`# so that you can have the counter as part of your loop#index = -1
f_t = []
for index, f inenumerate(inputs[:,0]):
# index = index +1defF_analytic(k, m, c):
#these two lines are redundant. You're just returning an expression# so this whole function can be a lambda
F_t = k*m*c*f
return F_t
#why are you creating an inner list for each index position,# and then appending the function to it?#even if you wanted to have the inner list, you could do it in one step
If we make the specified changes, we end up with:
f_t = [(lambda k, m, c: k*m*c*f) for f in inputs[:,0]]
Of course a much simpler approach would be simply to calculate the inputs to the product, including f
, and multiply directly.
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