Twitter Python Json To Csv
Solution 1:
It looks like you are importing the csv module without even using it. There is probably something funky with your f.write statement, but things will be much easier for you if you try to write to your file using csv.writer. The csv.writer can easily take in a list, and spit out a comma separated line of the values in the list. I'd recommend reading its documentation in order to implement it.
You're pretty close already. I'm not exactly sure what you want on each row, but the following might be close to your intended goal.
f = open("twitter_gmail.csv", 'a')
# This next line makes the csv writer.
writer = csv.writer(f)
handle_tweet =json.loads(data)
def handle_tweet(self, data):
search_terms = ['']
text = message.get('text')
words = text.split()
matches = []
for term in search_terms:
match = [word for word in words if term in word]
# The next line is how you write with a csv writer.
If I'm reading your code correctly, matches is a list of lists. I've used csv.writer's writerows method which will put each list on its own line (notice how it's plural, as opposed to writerow, which expects a single list and writes it to a single line).
Solution 2:
I don't have Twitter auth keys, so can't test, but should work based on Twitter's API documentation.
If you are doing serious work (as opposed to figuring out how it is done), you should probably use a tested module like twitter or python-twitter.
import csv
import json
import oauth2 as oauth
import urllib
# I don't if any of these are actually needed?import sys
import requests
import time
ACCESS_SECRET = ''classTwitterSearch:
akey = ACCESS_KEY,
asecret = ACCESS_SECRET,
query = '{mode}?{query}'):
consumer = oauth.Consumer(key=ckey, secret=csecret)
access_token = oauth.Token(key=akey, secret=asecret)
self.client = oauth.Client(consumer, access_token)
self.query = query
defsearch(self, q, mode='json', **queryargs):
queryargs['q'] = q
query = urllib.urlencode(queryargs)
return self.client.request(self.query.format(query=query, mode=mode))
defwrite_csv(fname, rows, header=None, append=False, **kwargs):
filemode = 'ab'if append else'wb'withopen(fname, filemode) as outf:
out_csv = csv.writer(outf, **kwargs)
if header:
ts = TwitterSearch()
response, data ='', result_type='recent')
js = json.loads(data)
# This _should_ work, based on sample data from#
messages = ([msg['created_at'], msg['txt'], msg['user']['id']] for msg in js.get('statuses', []))
write_csv('twitter_gmail.csv', messages, append=True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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