How To Calculate Sum And Also Cumulative Sum In Django Orm
I have table project, project has sub project and subproject has developers. Another table sprint, work distribute in sprint 1 2 ..n so on, Each sprint has different developers dat
Solution 1:
The following query will return all SprintsData
objects annotated with total_sum
and current_sprint_amount
. From this you should be able to generate your table
from django.db.modelsimportSum, F
total_sum=Sum(F('sprint__developers__quantity') * F('sprint__developers__charge_rate'), output_field=models.FloatField())
current_sprint_amount=F('total_sum') * F('percentage')
is actually a foreign key to the project
model which is a little confusing
The Sprint
model has no relationships to any other model so I'm not sure how you would get the sprint name
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