Ibpy: How To Extract Api Response Into A Variable
I'm looking into if IbPy can be a good way for me to connect to Interactive Brokers trading API. I'm now, as a test, trying to collect some stock price snapshots, to see if I can g
Solution 1:
This works!
import re
import ib
from ib.ext.Contract import Contract
from ib.opt import ibConnection, message
from time import sleep
class Downloader(object):
field4price = ''
def __init__(self):
self.tws = ibConnection('localhost', 4001, 0)
self.tws.register(self.tickPriceHandler, 'TickPrice')
self._reqId = 1 # current request id
def tickPriceHandler(self,msg):
if msg.field == 4:
self.field4price = msg.price
#print '[debug]', msg
def requestData(self,contract):
self.tws.reqMktData(self._reqId, contract, '', 1)
if __name__=='__main__':
dl = Downloader()
c = Contract()
c.m_symbol = 'SPY'
c.m_secType = 'STK'
c.m_exchange = 'SMART'
c.m_currency = 'USD'
print 'Price - field 4: ', dl.field4price
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