Reinstall /library/python On Os X Leopard
Solution 1:
contains your python site-packages, which is the local software you've installed using commands like python install
. The pieces here are third-party packages, not items installed by Apple - your actual Python installation is still safe in /System/Library/etc...
In other words, the default OS leaves these directories mostly blank... nothing in there is critical (just a readme and a path file).
In this case, you'll have to :
Recreate the directory structure:
Re-install your third-party libraries.
The directory structure on a default OS X install is:
/Library/Python/2.3/site-packages /Library/Python/2.5/site-packages
Solution 2:
If you'd like, I'll create a tarball from a pristine installation. I'm using MacOSX 10.5.7, and only 12K.
Solution 3:
I'm using 10.4, but unless the installation changed dramatically in 10.5, /Library/Python
is just a place to install local (user-installed) packages; the actual Python install is under /System
. On 10.4, I have the following structure:
So just re-creating that structure may suffice. (But instead of 2.3
, use the version of Python installed on 10.5.)
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