.ini File Load Environment Variable
I am using Alembic for migrations implementation in a Flask project. There is a alembic.ini file where the database configs must be specified: sqlalchemy.url = driver://user:passwo
Solution 1:
I've solved the problem by setting sqlalchemy.url
in env.py
as @dirn suggested.
config.set_main_option('sqlalchemy.url', <db_uri>)
did the trick, where <db_uri>
can be loaded from environment or config file.
Solution 2:
I was looking for a while how to manage this for mutli-databases
Here is what I did. I have two databases : logs and ohlc
According to the doc, I have setup the alembic like that
alembic init --template multidb
databases = logs, ohlc
[logs]sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://botcrypto:botcrypto@localhost/logs
[ohlc]sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://botcrypto:botcrypto@localhost/ohlc
# this is the Alembic Config object, which provides# access to the values within the .ini file in use.
config = context.config
# Interpret the config file for Python logging.# This line sets up loggers basically.
logger = logging.getLogger('alembic.env')
# overwrite alembic.ini db urls from the config file
settings_path = os.environ.get('SETTINGS')
if settings_path:
withopen(settings_path) as fd:
settings = conf.load(fd, context=os.environ) # loads the config.yml
config.set_section_option("ohlc", "sqlalchemy.url", settings["databases"]["ohlc"])
config.set_section_option("logs", "sqlalchemy.url", settings["databases"]["logs"])
logger.warning('Environment variable SETTINGS missing - use default alembic.ini configuration')
logs: postgresql://botcrypto:botcrypto@
ohlc: postgresql://botcrypto:botcrypto@
SETTINGS=config.yml alembic upgrade head
Hope it can helps !
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