How To Test For A List In Jinja2?
Solution 1:
I did it like this:
{% ifvaris iterable and (varisnotstringandvarisnot mapping) %}
You can find a list of all jinja tests here.
Solution 2:
You can easily do this whit a custom filter in jinja2.
First create you test method:
returnisinstance(value, list)
And add it as an custom filter:
j = jinja2.Jinja2(app)
'is_list': is_list,
Solution 3:
In my setup, I'd like for a value to either be a string or list of strings coming into the Jinja template. So really what I cared about wasn't string vs list, but single item vs multiple items. This answer might help if your use case is similar.
Since there isn't a built-in test for "is list?" that also rejects strings, I borrowed a pattern from API design and wrapped the single objects in a list on the Python side then checked list length on the Jinja side.
context = { ... }
# ex. value = 'a', or ['a', 'b']
if not isinstance(value, list):
value = [value]
context['foo'] = value
{% if foo|length == 1 %}
single-item list
{% elif foo|length > 1 %}
multi-item list
{% endif %}
And if all you want to do is add an item separator for display purposes, you can skip the explicit length check and just {{ value|join(', ') }}
Solution 4:
Iterable return True also on dict. Try this:
{% ifvar.__class__.__name__ == 'list' %}
Solution 5:
Jinja has many builtin tests. You are probably looking for iterable.
{% ifvaris iterable %}
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