How To Dismiss The Kivy Pop-up Via A Button?
I have a pop-up created with Kivy, which contains 2 buttons. User can dismiss the pop-up by pressing outside of the pop-up area (auto_dismiss = True), or by clicking the 'No' butt
Solution 1:
You can solve this issue by a lazy function
on_press = lambda *args: self.popup_exit.dismiss()
This way, the lookup will occur only when the button is pressed and popup_exit is already in place...
Solution 2:
Change on_press = self.popup_exit.dismiss
to on_press = lambda: self.popup_exit.dismiss()
because dismiss is a function and needs to be called when the button is pressed.
# popup can only have one Widget. This can be fixed by adding a BoxLayout
self.box_popup = BoxLayout(orientation = 'horizontal')
self.box_popup.add_widget(Label(text = "Really exit?"))
text = "Yes",
on_press = ExitApp.exit,
size_hint = (0.215, 0.075)))
self.popup_exit = Popup(title = "Exit",
content = self.box_popup,
size_hint = (0.4, 0.4),
auto_dismiss = True)
text = "No",
on_press = lambda: self.popup_exit.dismiss() ,
size_hint=(0.215, 0.075)))
Solution 3:
Would something like this work in kivy
on_press : root.dismiss()
Solution 4:
Try this: on_press = self.popup.dismiss()
in replacement of on_press = self.popup_exit.dismiss
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