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Wso2 Api Post Python Web Service - Empty Or No Payload To Server

I am not able to send request payload to my POST service from WSO2. On rest console, my service is working. From WSO2 server I am able to do curl to my server with successful respo

Solution 1:

enable wirelogs and check following

  1. payload is coming into the API manager (swagger -> AM )
  2. Payload is going out from api manager (AM -> backend)

Also check the request headers coming in and going out and compare them with the stuff from curl request (successful request)

Solution 2:

I am using Flask and I am afraid Flask can not deal with this issue currently.

I could reproduce this issue, the message send to back-end correctly, but Python only handle message until timeout.

Python Flask cannot receive post request from WSO2

The work-round may be using Java or Python get method.

Solution 3:

I solved this problem by using apache to proxy this request. I think this is related with wsgi. Processing chunked encoded HTTP POST requests in python (or generic CGI under apache)

ProxyPass / http://localhost:8001/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8001/

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