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Grab The First Word In A List That Is Found In A String. ( Python )

So, I have a list of words like so: activationWords = ['cactus', 'cacti', 'rofl'] And I want to find any of those words and return the first word of any of those words appearing i

Solution 1:

You can use str.find() here:

>>>activationWords = ['cactus', 'cacti', 'rofl']>>>s = "Wow, rofl I found a cactus in a cacti pile.">>>temp = [(s.find(i), i) for i in activationWords if i in s]>>>print temp
[(20, 'cactus'), (32, 'cacti'), (5, 'rofl')]

str.find() finds where the string is in the other string. It returns the index of the first letter.

[(s.find(i), i) for i in activationWords] is a list comprehension that returns a list of tuples, the first item being the result of str.find(), the second being the word.

Then we use min() here to get the lowest number, and [1] to get the word.

Note that you should not name a string str. It overrides the built-in type.

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