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For Loop To List Comprehension Or Map In Python

I'm trying to improve the speed of some python code a bit and therefore trying to move a standard for loop to either a list comprehension or map call: buf = [0 for i in range(s

Solution 1:

You can have everything done in numpy in a few lines and slightly faster:

In [69]:

In [70]:

buf = [0 for i in range(numLEDs * 3)]
temp = [0,0,0]
for x in range(numLEDs):
    r = data[x*3]
    g = data[x*3+1]
    b = data[x*3+2]
    temp[c_order[0]] = gamma[r]
    temp[c_order[1]] = gamma[g]
    temp[c_order[2]] = gamma[b]
    buf[x * 3:x * 3 + 3] = temp
10000 loops, best of 3: 47.3 µs per loop
In [85]:


In [86]:

data_array=data.reshape(3, -1, order='F')
np.take(gamma[data_array], c_order, axis=0).ravel(order='F')
10000 loops, best of 3: 38.3 µs per loop

When you have a lot of LED's, the numpy version will be much faster than the loop version:

In [98]:

In [99]:

buf = [0 for i in range(numLEDs * 3)]
temp = [0,0,0]
for x in range(numLEDs):
    r = data[x*3]
    g = data[x*3+1]
    b = data[x*3+2]
    temp[c_order[0]] = gamma[r]
    temp[c_order[1]] = gamma[g]
    temp[c_order[2]] = gamma[b]
    buf[x * 3:x * 3 + 3] = temp
100 loops, best of 3: 4.08 ms per loop
In [100]:


In [101]:

data_array=data.reshape(3, -1, order='F')
np.take(gamma[data_array], c_order, axis=0).ravel(order='F')
1000 loops, best of 3: 244 µs per loop

Solution 2:

So you need pure python code without any extension library.

To speedup the code:

  1. use local variable in loops.
  2. change for loop to list comprehension.

Here is the code:


    def__init__(self, n):
        self.numLEDs =  n
        self.c_order = [1, 2, 0]
        self.gamma = [i // 2for i inrange(256)]

    defdo1(self, data):
        buf = [0for i inrange(self.numLEDs * 3)]
        temp = [0,0,0]
        for x inrange(self.numLEDs):
            r = data[x*3]
            g = data[x*3+1]
            b = data[x*3+2]
            temp[self.c_order[0]] = self.gamma[r]
            temp[self.c_order[1]] = self.gamma[g]
            temp[self.c_order[2]] = self.gamma[b]

            buf[x * 3:x * 3 + 3] = temp
        return buf

    defdo2(self, data):
        buf = [0] * (self.numLEDs * 3)
        gamma = self.gamma
        for idx, idx2 inenumerate(self.c_order):
            buf[idx2::3] = [gamma[v] for v in data[idx::3]]
        return buf

import random
N = 1000
t = Test(N)
data = [random.randint(0, 255) for i inrange(3*N)]
r1 = t.do1(data)
r2 = t.do2(data)
print r1 == r2  # check the result

%timeit t.do1(data)
%timeit t.do2(data)

the output, it's 6x faster:

True1000 loops,best of 3:1.1msperloop10000loops,best of 3:176µsperloop

Solution 3:

Contrary to popular belief, calling a map function will not give you significant speedup. You may actually see worse performance.

Depending on how long you spend in this section of code, this may be the perfect situation where simply porting this loop to C makes sense. See here.

Make sure that you're actually spending a lot of time in this for-loop, otherwise the overhead of calling your C code will outweigh any potential performance gains.

Read here for some potential alternatives if you decide to use to port this code to C:

  1. ctypes vs C extension
  2. Wrapping a C library in Python: C, Cython or ctypes?

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