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Showing posts from July, 2024

Unboundlocalerror: Local Variable Referenced Before Assignment (python)

I'm trying to create a function servo_to_quadrant that returns the value servo_quadrant. Questi… Read more Unboundlocalerror: Local Variable Referenced Before Assignment (python)

Adding Values To Set Contained In Multiprocessing.manager().list()

I am trying to update a Manager().list() of sets with tuples but having trouble getting anything to… Read more Adding Values To Set Contained In Multiprocessing.manager().list()

A Dsl In Python For Tabular Analysis And Processing?

I am carrying around the idea to create a restricted form of a language for tabular analysis. Thequ… Read more A Dsl In Python For Tabular Analysis And Processing?

Upload File To A Website Via Python Script

I want to upload a file from my computer to a file hoster like via a Python script. Bec… Read more Upload File To A Website Via Python Script

I Am Getting An Index Error As List Out Of Range. I Have To Scan Through Many Lines

import nltk import random from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize, word_tokenize file = open('… Read more I Am Getting An Index Error As List Out Of Range. I Have To Scan Through Many Lines

Matplotlib Bar Chart That Displays The X Values For Male And Females

I want to try analyse the distribution of marital status by gender and I feel a bar chart is the be… Read more Matplotlib Bar Chart That Displays The X Values For Male And Females

Bom In Server Response Screws Up Json Parsing

I'm trying to write a Python script that posts some JSON to a web server and gets some JSON bac… Read more Bom In Server Response Screws Up Json Parsing

Creating Year Week Based On Date With Different Start Date

I have a df date 2021-03-12 2021-03-17 ... 2022-05-21 2022-08-17 I am trying to add a column year… Read more Creating Year Week Based On Date With Different Start Date

How Do I Use Django South When My App Is Inside Another Directory?

So by default, Django creates apps inside the root project dir. But I moved it inside 'apps'… Read more How Do I Use Django South When My App Is Inside Another Directory?

Exponential Sum Using Recursion.python

I need to write a function using recursion that accepts the following variables: n: int x: real an… Read more Exponential Sum Using Recursion.python

How To Use Python (maya) Multithreading

I've been looking at examples from other people but I can't seem to get it to work properly… Read more How To Use Python (maya) Multithreading

How To Limit Download Rate Of Http Requests In Requests Python Library?

Is it possible to limit the download rate of GET requests using the requests Python library? For in… Read more How To Limit Download Rate Of Http Requests In Requests Python Library?

Guitar String Code In Python?

I'm very new at Python but really interested in making a code that could simulate guitar string… Read more Guitar String Code In Python?

Reverse Shell Command With Python Command Gets Stuck When Trying To Change Directory

I am trying to get full access with full privileges with a reverse shell with python. The connectio… Read more Reverse Shell Command With Python Command Gets Stuck When Trying To Change Directory

Django-based Azure Web App Getting Stuck When Development Server Is Run (on Kudu)

To migrate an app from Heroku to Azure, I recently created a Django Azure Web App, connected it to … Read more Django-based Azure Web App Getting Stuck When Development Server Is Run (on Kudu)

In Python: Create A Table To Visualize Pairwise Data

I have performed a bunch of pairwise comparisons (241 x 241 to be exact). The resulting file looks … Read more In Python: Create A Table To Visualize Pairwise Data

Errors Create When Loading Matlab Files Into Python

I am having some trouble loading a .mat file into Python. It is a structured array with many main a… Read more Errors Create When Loading Matlab Files Into Python

Delattr On Class Instance Produces Unexpected Attributeerror

I have the following abstract base class for configuration implementation (cut short): class Config… Read more Delattr On Class Instance Produces Unexpected Attributeerror

Openshift App With Flask, Sqlalchemy And Sqlite - Problems With Database Reverting

I have a problem pretty much exactly like this: How to preserve a SQLite database from being revert… Read more Openshift App With Flask, Sqlalchemy And Sqlite - Problems With Database Reverting

Understanding Matplotlib's Quiver Plotting

I'm trying to understand how plt.quiver() works. My issue is as follows: I plot a simple vector… Read more Understanding Matplotlib's Quiver Plotting

Access To Instance Variable, But Not Instance Method In Python

I'm a newbie to python and I think similar question have been asked (including this one: Can yo… Read more Access To Instance Variable, But Not Instance Method In Python

What Is The Difference Between Tfidf Vectorizer And Tfidf Transformer

I know that the formula for tfidf vectorizer is Count of word/Total count * log(Number of document… Read more What Is The Difference Between Tfidf Vectorizer And Tfidf Transformer

Django Multiple Queries With Foreign Keys

Let's say I have two different apps : teacher/ Teacher(models.Model): name = … Read more Django Multiple Queries With Foreign Keys

2d Interpolation Over List Of Points Python

I have an interpolation problem. It should not be too complicated, but I can't find any valid s… Read more 2d Interpolation Over List Of Points Python

Cartesian Product Of Two Rdd In Spark

I am completely new to Apache Spark and I trying to Cartesian product two RDD. As an example I have… Read more Cartesian Product Of Two Rdd In Spark

Get The Same Shift Left In Python As Java

Specifically I want to take this number: x = 1452610545672622396 and perform x ^= (x << 21) … Read more Get The Same Shift Left In Python As Java

How To Get Whole Text Of An Element In Xml.minidom?

I want to get the whole text of an Element to parse some xhtml: skdsk begin E = div element on th… Read more How To Get Whole Text Of An Element In Xml.minidom?

Syntax Error In Ternary If-else Statement

We can use if-else like this: statement if condition else statement but there are some problems he… Read more Syntax Error In Ternary If-else Statement

Why Os.rename() Is Raising An Exception In Python 2.7?

print(path) print(dir_name+'\\'+f_parent+'_'+parts[0]+'_'+date+extension) o… Read more Why Os.rename() Is Raising An Exception In Python 2.7?

How Do I Transfer Data From Sale Order To Invoice When Clicking On 'create Invoice' In Odoo 14 Or Flectra 1.7?

I run Flectra inside a Docker container. I have custom fields in sale.order which I want to transfe… Read more How Do I Transfer Data From Sale Order To Invoice When Clicking On 'create Invoice' In Odoo 14 Or Flectra 1.7?

Extract Salaries From A List Of Strings

I'm trying to extract salaries from a list of strings. I'm using the regex findall() funct… Read more Extract Salaries From A List Of Strings

Passing Around An Elementtree

In my program, I need to make use of an ElementTree object in various functions in my program. More… Read more Passing Around An Elementtree

How To Vectorize Multiple Matrix Multiplications In Numpy?

For a conceptual idea of what I mean, I have 2 data points: x_0 = np.array([0.6, 1.4])[:, None] x_1… Read more How To Vectorize Multiple Matrix Multiplications In Numpy?

Python Dataframe Filling Nan Values Using Information From Other Columns

I tried to solve this problem on my own, but I unfortunately haven't made much progress and wou… Read more Python Dataframe Filling Nan Values Using Information From Other Columns

Can I Show The Different Methods Of Death Penalties As Well As Predict Future Years

I would like to be able to predict the rise/fall in death penalties for this dataset below This is … Read more Can I Show The Different Methods Of Death Penalties As Well As Predict Future Years

Py2neo - Neo4j - System Error - Create Batch Nodes/relationships

Attempting to batch create nodes & relationships - batch creation is failing - Traceback at end… Read more Py2neo - Neo4j - System Error - Create Batch Nodes/relationships

How To Register Google App Engine To Xmpp Client?

I am using psi to test the xmpp service in my app engine project. when I open psi, it asks me to en… Read more How To Register Google App Engine To Xmpp Client?

Catch Sysloghandler's Output

Following advice, I'm planning to log errors from several time critical python processes (clien… Read more Catch Sysloghandler's Output

How To Fix Error In Client/server (reasked)

I want to pick a random element from my list so I use random.sample(output, 1) and then remove it, … Read more How To Fix Error In Client/server (reasked)

How To Visualize Rnn/lstm Weights In Keras/tensorflow?

I've come across research publications and Q&A's discussing a need for inspecting RNN w… Read more How To Visualize Rnn/lstm Weights In Keras/tensorflow?

Wso2 Api Post Python Web Service - Empty Or No Payload To Server

I am not able to send request payload to my POST service from WSO2. On rest console, my service is … Read more Wso2 Api Post Python Web Service - Empty Or No Payload To Server

Grab The First Word In A List That Is Found In A String. ( Python )

So, I have a list of words like so: activationWords = ['cactus', 'cacti', 'rofl… Read more Grab The First Word In A List That Is Found In A String. ( Python )

Two For Loops In List Comprehension Python

I have a list: f_array=['1000,1','100,10','100,-10'] I am trying to sum up… Read more Two For Loops In List Comprehension Python

Attributeerror: 'list' Object Has No Attribute 'display' In Python

Error comes when i call the display function using class object What should i do to overcome this ?… Read more Attributeerror: 'list' Object Has No Attribute 'display' In Python

'module' Object Is Not Iterable When Running Django Website To The Server

i wanted to run my django website to their server so i open cmd and go to directory : C:… Read more 'module' Object Is Not Iterable When Running Django Website To The Server

Efficient Way To Partially Read Large Numpy File?

I have a huge numpy 3D tensor which is stored in a file on my disk (which I normally read using np.… Read more Efficient Way To Partially Read Large Numpy File?

C Code For Python's Property Function?

I am really curious as to how Python's interpreter makes an attribute x out of a method x throu… Read more C Code For Python's Property Function?

What Is The Difference Between A Constructer And Initializer In Python?

Possible Duplicate: Python (and Python C API): new versus init I'm at college just now and th… Read more What Is The Difference Between A Constructer And Initializer In Python?

Issues With Onnxruntime On Ubuntu 16.04

I'm trying to run inference on an ONNX model on Ubuntu 16.04 using onnxruntime. But the import … Read more Issues With Onnxruntime On Ubuntu 16.04

Python: How To Create A Submatrix Discretizing A Circle?

In a 2D square grid (matrix) full of zeros, I need to create a submatrix full of ones, with the sha… Read more Python: How To Create A Submatrix Discretizing A Circle?

Pandas.to_csv Outputs A Column Of Floats Instead Of Integers

I'm working on project involving querying data from a dataframe, performing a few operations on… Read more Pandas.to_csv Outputs A Column Of Floats Instead Of Integers

Confusion On Which Serializer To Use To Update User Profile

I have a profile model for user to update. I want to have a rest api for that. I have a profile mod… Read more Confusion On Which Serializer To Use To Update User Profile

What's The Correct Way To Implement A Metaclass With A Different Signature Than `type`?

Say I want to implement a metaclass that should serve as a class factory. But unlike the type const… Read more What's The Correct Way To Implement A Metaclass With A Different Signature Than `type`?

How Do I Check For A Default Profile Pic With

I’m currently trying to find a way to block commands on my bot if the sender has a default profile … Read more How Do I Check For A Default Profile Pic With

Seaborn Heatmap With Single Column

I have a dataframe that has an index (words) and a single column (counts) for some lyrics. I am try… Read more Seaborn Heatmap With Single Column

How Can I Resample Pandas Dataframe By Day On Period Time?

i have a dataframe like this: df.head() Out[2]: price sale_date 0 477,000,000 1396/1… Read more How Can I Resample Pandas Dataframe By Day On Period Time?

For Loop To List Comprehension Or Map In Python

I'm trying to improve the speed of some python code a bit and therefore trying to move a standa… Read more For Loop To List Comprehension Or Map In Python

Robust Hand Detection Via Computer Vision

I am currently working on a system for robust hand detection. The first step is to take a photo of … Read more Robust Hand Detection Via Computer Vision

Using Java's Bytebuffer To Replicate Python's Struct.pack

First off, I saw Java equivalent of Python's struct.pack?... this is a clarification. I am new … Read more Using Java's Bytebuffer To Replicate Python's Struct.pack

Python: Geometric Brownian Motion Simulation

A basic simulation of GBM doesn't seem to work. What am I doing wrong? The following code alway… Read more Python: Geometric Brownian Motion Simulation

Django Admin, Custom Error Message?

I would like to know how to show an error message in the Django admin. I have a private user sectio… Read more Django Admin, Custom Error Message?