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Plotting From A Pandas Dataframe With A Timedelta Index

I'm trying to plot some data from a pandas dataframe with a timedelta index and I want to customize the time ticks and labels in my x-axis. This should be simple but it's proving t

Solution 1:

Although I don't know exactly what the root issue is, it seems that it is related to the used package versions. When I run your example with an older python distribution (matplotlib 1.5.1, numpy 1.11.1, pandas 0.18.1 and python 2.7.12), then I get a plot without ticks just as you described.

However I can get a plot with the correct ticks

plot with correct ticks

by running the code below with a recent python distribution (matplot 2.0.1, numpy 1.12.1, pandas 0.19.1 and python 3.6.1).

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as dates

timestamps = pd.date_range(start="2017-05-08", freq="10T", periods=6*6)
timedeltas = timestamps - pd.to_datetime("2017-05-08")
yy = np.random.random((len(timedeltas),10))
df = pd.DataFrame(data=yy, index=timedeltas)

axes.plot_date(df.index, df.values, '-')


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