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Make Utf8 Readable In A File

I have dictionary of dictionary which has utf8 encoded keys. I am dumping this dictionary to a file using json module. In the file keys are printed in utf8 format. Keys are actuall

Solution 1:

You are writing JSON; the JSON standard allows for \uxxxx escape sequences to encode non-ASCII characters. The Python json module uses this by default.

Switch off the feature by using the ensure_ascii=False switch when dumping the data:

json.dump(obj, yourfileobject, ensure_ascii=False)

This does mean that the output is no longer encoded to UTF-8 bytes as well; you'll need to use a managed file for this:

import json
import codecs

with'/path/to/file', 'w', encoding='utf8') as output:
    json.dump(obj, output, ensure_ascii=False)

Now your unicode characters will be written to the file as UTF-8 encoded bytes instead. When opening the file with another program that decodes UTF-8 again, your codepoints should be displayed again as the same characters.

Solution 2:

use ensure_ascii parameter.

>>>import json>>>print json.dumps(u'\u0982')
>>>print json.dumps(u'\u0982', ensure_ascii=False)

If ensure_ascii is True (the default), all non-ASCII characters in the output are escaped with \uXXXX sequences, and the result is a str instance consisting of ASCII characters only. If ensure_ascii is False, some chunks written to fp may be unicode instances. ...

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