How To Get Prediction P-values Of An Xgbclassifier?
Solution 1:
Your intuition is indeed correct: predict_proba
returns the probability of each example being of a given class; from the docs:
(data, output_margin=False, ntree_limit=0)Predict the probability of each data example being of a given class.
This probability in turn is routinely interpreted in practice as the confidence of the prediction.
That said, this is an ad-hoc, practical interpretation, and it has nothing to do with p-values or any other measure of statistical rigour; generally speaking and AFAIK, there are no such measures available for this (and similar) machine learning techniques.
On a more general level, you may be interested to know that p-values themselves have been quickly falling out of grace among statisticians; some quick links:
The ASA's Statement on p-Values: Context, Process, and Purpose (American Statistician)
Statisticians issue warning over misuse of P values (Nature)
The problems with p-values are not just with p-values (Andrew Gelman @ American Statistician)
The problem with p-values (Towards Data Science blog post)
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