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How To Change Dns Servers Programmatically In Windows?

I want to change DNS servers programmatically. I don't want to build a DNS server, I just want to change the primary and secondary dns servers automatically. This work needs to be

Solution 1:

You can call a command line tool to do it for you with os.system.

import os
os.system('netsh interface ip set dns "Local Area Connection" static')

Solution 2:

import os
# The first thing you need to import os and identify is the name of the network interface you want to modify.
# You can find the names of all network interfaces by running the following command:
os.system('netsh interface ipv4 show interfaces')
# for me its "Wi-Fi"
# For the primary DNS server run:
os.system('netsh interface ip set dns name="Wi-Fi" static')
# For the secondary DNS server run:
os.system('netsh interface ip add dns name="Wi-Fi" index=2')
# whene you'r done with the DNS server run :
os.system('netsh interface ip set dnsservers name="Wi-Fi" source=dhcp')
#keep in mind  that you need administrator privilege

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