Django-haystack + Whoosh Searchqueryset().all() Always None
I am using: django: 1.9.7 django-haystack: 2.5.0 whoosh: 2.7.4 class ProfileIndex(indexes.SearchIndex, indexes.Indexable): text = indexes.CharField(document
Solution 1:
Please see my answer here:
Django Haystack & Whoosh Search Working, But SearchQuerySet Return 0 Results
There is a bug in Django-Haystack with Woosh that means if you use an Ngram or EdgeNGram field SearchQuerySet().count() and SearchQuerySet().all().count() will always return 0 unless you specify a filter.
>> 0SearchQuerySet().all().exclude(content='thisshouldnotmatchanything').count()
>> 14[the total number of indexed objects]
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