Ssh + Here-document Syntax With Python
I'm trying to run a set of commands through ssh from a Python script. I came upon the here-document concept and thought: cool, let me implement something like this: command = ( ( '
Solution 1:
Here is a minimum working example,the key is that after << EOF
the remaining string should not be split. Note that command.split()
is only called once.
import subprocess
# My bash is at /user/local/bin/bash, your mileage may vary.command = 'ssh user@host /usr/local/bin/bash'
heredoc = ('<< EOF \n''cd Downloads \n''touch test.txt \n''EOF')
command = command.split()
p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
except Exception as e:
print e
Verify by checking that the created file test.txt
shows up in the Downloads directory on the host that you ssh:ed into.
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