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Spyder Ide Console History

How to see print history in console in spyder IDE ? If more data gets printed it does not shows on console and not even shows the scroll bar.

Solution 1:

The default configuration is to buffer 10,000 lines. If you require a larger buffer, you will have to change settings in Preferences->Console->Display->Source Code->Buffer: to increase the number of lines.

Solution 2:

This is an update for Spyder version 3.1.4:

  1. Tools
  2. Preferences (The shortcut is: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+P)
  3. IPython console (in the left menu of the Preferences utility)
  4. Source code
    1. Buffer: 500 Lines (in the right menu under the "Display" tab)

Increase the buffer to view more lines in the IPython console. Then close and restart Spyder.

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