Spark Udf With Dictionary Argument Fails
I have a column (myCol) in a Spark dataframe that has values 1,2 and I want to create a new column with the description of this values like 1-> 'A', 2->'B' etc I know that th
Solution 1:
It is possible, you just have to do it a bit differently.
dictionary= { 1:'A' , 2:'B' }
return in_dict.get(x)
return udf(f)
If you want to add directly your dict in the UDF, as UDFs only accept columns as argument, you need to have a map column to replace your dict.
Solution 2:
If you are using Spark >= 2.4.0 you can also use the build-in map_from_arrays
function in order to create map on the fly and then get the desired value with getItem
as shown below:
from pyspark.sql.functions import lit, col, map_from_arrays, array
df = spark.createDataFrame([[1],[2],[3]]).toDF("key")
dict = { 1:'A' , 2:'B' }
map_keys = array([lit(k) for k indict.keys()])
map_values = array([lit(v) for v indict.values()])
map_func = map_from_arrays(map_keys, map_values)
df = df.withColumn("description", map_func.getItem(df.key))
+---+-----------+|key|description|+---+-----------+|1| A||2| B||3|null|+---+-----------+
Solution 3:
Here's how to solve this with a dictionary that's been broadcasted (which is the most reliable way to solve the problem because it'll also work with large dictionaries):
return dict_b.value.get(x)
return F.udf(f)
df = spark.createDataFrame([[1,], [2,], [3,]]).toDF("some_num")
dictionary= { 1:'A' , 2:'B' }
dict_b = spark.sparkContext.broadcast(dictionary)
+--------+----+|some_num| res|+--------+----+|1| A||2| B||3|null|+--------+----+
Great question, this is an important design pattern for PySpark programmers to master.
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