Python String.replace Alternative
I need help with Python string manipulation (I boiled down my previous looong question to this issue below). For this line from a file: L20B, CVS=1, HTYP=16, MLV=25 The second fie
Solution 1:
Use regular expressions:
import re
re.sub(r'(C|)VS=.*', r'\1FIXD(0,1,0)', line)
# regex
(C|) # optionally match a 'C', save it or an empty string ingroup1
VS= # match'VS='
.* # matchto the endof the line
# replacement
\1 # the contents ofgroup1 (either 'C'or an empty string)
FIXD(0,1,0) # the literal string 'FIXD(0,1,0)'
>>> re.sub(r'(C|)VS=.*', r'\1FIXD(0,1,0)', 'L20B, CVS=1, HTYP=16, MLV=25')
'L20B, CFIXD(0,1,0)'>>> re.sub(r'(C|)VS=.*', r'\1FIXD(0,1,0)', 'L20C, VS=4, HTYP=9, MLV=5')
'L20C, FIXD(0,1,0)'
Edit: based on your edit here are a few alternatives for your different cases:
CVS or VS -> CFIXD(0,1,0) or FIXD(0,1,0)
re.sub(r'(C|)VS=.*', r'\1FIXD(0,1,0)', line)
CRH or RH -> CVR(0,1,0) or VR(0,1,0)
re.sub(r'(C|)RH=.*', r'\1VR(0,1,0)', line)
CFIXD(x,y,z) or VIXD(x,y,z) -> CVR(x,y,z) or VR(x,y,z)
re.sub(r'(C|)FIXD(\([^)]*\)).*', r'\1VR\2', line)
Explanation of (\([^)]\)).*
( # startsecond capture group
\( # match a literal '('
[^)]* # matchany number of characters that arenot')'
\) # match a literal ')'
) # end capture group
.* # matchto the endof the line
Solution 2:
You can use a regular expression, but to me it'd be more straightforward to just split the string into a list:
line = "L20B, CVS=1, HTYP=16, MLV=25"
line = line.split(", ")
if line[1].startswith("CVS="):
line[1:] = ["CFIXD(0,1,0)"]
elif line[1].startswith("VS="):
line[1:] = ["FIXD(0,1,0)"]
line = ", ".join(line)
These two cases could be combined with some jiggery-pokery, since they are rather similar, but they seem perfectly readable this way.
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