Python: Finding A Substring Within A String
I'm trying to write a program which counts how many times a substring appears within a string. word = 'wejmfoiwstreetstreetskkjoih' streets = 'streets' count = 0 if streets in wor
Solution 1:
Can be done using a regex
>>>import re>>>text = 'streetstreets'>>>len(re.findall('(?=streets)', text))
From the docs:
Matches if ... matches next, but doesn’t consume any of the string. This is called a lookahead assertion. For example, Isaac (?=Asimov) will match 'Isaac ' only if it’s followed by 'Asimov'.
Solution 2:
Quick and dirty:
>>>word = "wejmfoiwstreetstreetskkjoih">>>streets = "streets">>>sum(word[start:].startswith(streets) for start inrange(len(word)))
Solution 3:
A generic (though not as elegant) way would be a loop like this:
def count_substrings(stack, needle):
idx =0
count = 0while True:
idx = stack.find(needle, idx) + 1# next time look after this idxif idx <= 0:
count += 1return count
My measurement shows that it's ~8.5 times faster than the solution with startswith
for every substring.
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