Numpy - Multiple Outer Products
I was wondering if there's a way to compute multiple outer products and stack the results in a single operation. Say I have an Nx1 vector and take the outer product with a 1xM vect
Solution 1:
Yes, of course, using broadcasting or Einsum (the fact that there is no summation does not matter)
N, M, R = 8, 9, 16
A = numpy.random.rand(N)
B = numpy.random.rand(M)
C = A[:, None] * B[None, :]
D = numpy.einsum('a,b->ab', A, B)
numpy.allclose(C, D)
# True
# (8, 9)
A = numpy.random.rand(N, R)
B = numpy.random.rand(M, R)
C = A[:, None, :] * B[None, :, :]
D = numpy.einsum('ar,br->abr', A, B)
numpy.allclose(C, D)
# True
# (8, 9, 16)
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