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Mercurial Reviewboard And Post-review

so here is the story so far, I have installed review board on linux environment, I have configured everything, installed post-review and it works... What does not work is the repos

Solution 1:

I've had the same problem, and it seems - in our case - it was due to have updated the server-side repo to a specific version.

Resetting the server-side repo to a 'bare' repository solved this problem for us.

(I did a 'hg clone -U repo newrepo', 'mv repo repo-old', 'mv newrepo repo'.)

Solution 2:

I think dot-file is the reason of error 207 in post to ReviewBoard.

In my case error happen when '.hgignore' file is changed in one of commits. Eg repository with one local (state 'draft') commit with '.hgignore' and 'another.cpp' files changed. I run "hg postreview" (or "hg postreview --id 1234" later) and got the error.

Next: I split commit and leave only regular file changed and that commit is posted fine.

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