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How To Create A Csv File For Each Column In A Dataframe?

I am using Python in VSCode. I read a CSV file and transformed it in a dataframe for stock market's close prices. First column is date column and others are each stock symbol close

Solution 1:

  • Since you already have a dataframe
  • Set the index of the dataframe as the 'Date' column
  • Iterate through each column and save it to a csv.
    • Select the data for each column with df[col]
    • The csv file name will be f'{col}.csv', where col is the column name.
  • To specify a specific file save location when working in VSCode, see this SO: Answer
    • df.to_csv(os.getcwd()+'\\file.csv') goes into the AppData folder
    • The current working directory is not necessarily where you want the file saved.
    • Specify the full desired save path, 'c:/Users/<<user_name>>/Documents/{col}.csv', for example.
import pandas as pd

# set Date as the index
df.set_index('Date', inplace=True)

# iterate through each column and save it
for col in df.columns:
    df[col].to_csv(f'c:/Users/<<user_name>>/Documents/{col}.csv', index=True)

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